
单词 lemmatize
释义 lemmatize, v.|ˈlɛmətaɪz|
[f. Gr. ληµµατ-, λῆµµα lemma1 + -ize.]
trans. To sort (words as they occur in a text) so as to group together those that are inflected or variant forms of the same word.
1967Computers & Humanities II. 78 We have..tested programs for concordances, for lemmatizing with computer dictionary, and for transcribing from historical to phonologic alphabet.1971J. B. Carroll et al. Word Frequency Bk. p. xiii, The AHI Corpus is coded for capitalization. It is not parsed or lemmatized.1971A. J. Aitken in R. A. Wisbey Computer in Lit. & Ling. Res. 13 From a text prepared in this way the computer could deliver an output resembling a fully sorted collection for a traditional dictionary (already ordered and lemmatized) without further human attention.1973Computers & Humanities VII. 132 The vocabulary lists were next lemmatized by hand.Ibid., The computer program made no attempt to lemmatize words or to distinguish homographs, but simply counted the number of occurrences of each distinct word-type.
Hence ˈlemmatized ppl. a.
1969Computers & Humanities IV. 134 Method: Punching frequency lists and lemmatized texts; transferring to tapes; [etc.].

