
单词 will-worship
释义 ˈwill-ˌworship
[f. will n.1 + worship n., rendering Gr. ἐθελοθρησκεία (Col. ii. 23).]
Worship according to one's own will or fancy, or imposed by human will, without divine authority.
1549Cheke Hurt Sedit. (1641) 59 Seeing..true worship taught, and wil-worship refused.1565J. Calfhill Answ. Martiall To Rdr. 6 b, A wilworship, a naughty seruice, hauing no ground of the worde of God.1611Bible Col. ii. 23 Which things haue in deed a shew of wisedome in will-worship [Vulg. superstitione; Tindale chosen holynes, Coverdale chosen spiritualtie, Geneva volontarie worshipping].a1629Hinde J. Bruen xxx. (1641) 93 That such service unto Saints, is but witt-worship, will-worship, and Idol-service.1641Sanderson Serm., Matt. xv. 9 (1681) II. 4 Those Pharisees..intending by those superstitious Will-worships to honour God.1730Berkeley Serm. Wks. 1871 IV. 641 Not lip-worship, nor will-worship, but inward and evangelical.1827G. S. Faber Sacr. Cal. Prophecy (1844) II. 106 A declension from evangelical soundness to unwarrantable superstition and will-worship.1846Trench Mirac. Introd. (1862) 5 The will-worship of Jeroboam.
So will-worshipper, one who practises will-worship; will-worshipping, will-worship.
1571Golding Calvin on Ps. ix. 12. 28 The wil woorshippinges which superstitious persones have forged too themselves of theyr owne heades.1660Jer. Taylor Ductor Dubit. ii. iii. rule 13. §9 He that sayes God is rightly worshipped by an act or ceremony concerning which himself hath no way express'd his pleasure, is superstitious, or a will-worshipper.

