
单词 wisly
释义 I. ˈwisly, a. Obs.
Forms: 1 wislic, 3 (Orm.) wisslik.
[OE. wislic, f. wis(s adj. (see wis n.) + -lic, -ly1.]
Phr. wisslikess þingess (gen. sing.), of a certainty, certainly.
c1000Ags. Ps. (Thorpe) lxxii[i]. 3 [4] Ne heora wites bið wislic trymnes [orig. nec est firmamentum in plaga eorum].c1200Ormin 3186 Wisslikess þingess Godess hannd was wiþþ þatt child.
II. ˈwisly, adv. Obs.
Forms: 1 wis(s)lice, 2–4 wisliche, 4–5 wisly, wissely, (3 wysslych, Orm. wissliȝ, -like, 4 wislike, -lich, -li, wissly, wysly, 5 wisselich, wysslie, wischli).
[OE. wislíce, f. wis(s adj. (see wis n.) + -líce, -ly2.]
Certainly, surely; assuredly; verily.
c1000Ags. Ps. (Thorpe) lviii[i]. 13 Hi wisslice witon.Ibid. xcix. 2 [c. 3] Witað wislice, þæt [etc.].c1175Lamb. Hom. 63 Þe luste nulleð þesne red, wisliche he scal wurðen ded.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 189 Þe holi man..on oðer stede wisluker þerof specð.c1200Ormin 928 He falleþþ wissliȝ forr þatt gillt i Godess wraþþe & wræche.1340–70Alex. & Dind. 844 Many wondurful wonus wisli we knowen.c1386Chaucer Reeve's T. 74 Men wenden wisly that he sholde dye.Frankl. T. 61 She to hym ful wisly gan to swere That neuere sholde ther be defaute in here.c1400Destr. Troy 3567 Vnto þat worthy he went wisly anon.
b. esp. with as (alse, also) or so in asseverations.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 167 Vre lafdi Seinte Marie, alse wisliche alse hie þis dai was houen in to heuene, bere ure arende to ure louerd ihesu crist.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 9673 As wysly as he become a chylde.a1366Chaucer Rom. Rose 632 Now also wisly god me blesse.14..Pol. Rel. & L. Poems (1903) 79/104 For as wischli as euer y cum too blisse, My will is goode.c1470Henry Wallace iv. 63 Als wisly God me sawe.

