
单词 wrakling
释义 wrakling Sc. Obs.
Also -lin, -lyne, -lene.
[ad. MLG. wrakelinge, MDu. wrakelinc (whence also Fris. wrakling plank-nail, Da. dial. vrækling).]
A large make of nail, esp. used in shipbuilding. Also collect.
1494Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 250 The expensis..for the macken of the erne grathe of the barge [include]..for wraklynys bocht, xvjd.Ibid. 253, vij stane and xij pundis of boltis and wrakling.1496Ibid. 310 Ane thousand of singil bowssleit, and iiijm wraklene.
attrib.1497Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 334, iijc gret wraklin nalis.

