
单词 obligement
释义 obligement|əˈblaɪdʒmənt|
Also 6–7 Sc. oblis-, obleis-.
[f. oblige v. + -ment.]
1. The fact of obliging or binding oneself by formal promise or contract; a contract, covenant; = obligation 2. Obs. exc. in Civil Law.
1584Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1814) III. 325/2 Conforme to thair oblismentis and contractis respectiue maid wt the said Colonell thairvpoun.1612W. Parkes Curtaine-Dr. (1876) 38 What man dare trust his friend..yea almost vpon the surest obligement that may be deuiesed or drawne?1671True Nonconf. 207 If he confirme the samine by an Oath, the force and vertue thereof doth also reach all the off-spring, concerned in the obligement.1832in Penney Linlithgowshire 192 With obligements by the baillies of Queensferry to him, obliging themselves to remove therefrom when desired.1880Muirhead Gaius i. §192 As regards alienation or obligement.
2. Obligation (moral or legal); obligation for benefits or kindnesses received; a kindness, favour.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. viii. §12. 538 Finding hee had not the sway hee..thought hee deserued (by obligement of his first Agency about the Crowne).1664Dryden Rival Ladies ii. i, This I would endure, And more, to cancel my obligements to him.1721Cibber Com. Lovers iii, Yet I have some Obligements to him: He teaches me new Airs on the Guitarre.1828Lamb in Blackw. Mag. XXIV. 773 All my leisure..Would not express a tythe of the obligements I every hour incur.Mod. (Sc.) ‘It would be a great obligement if you would, etc.’
b. Attachment (by affection or regard). Obs.
1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. ii, The deep obligement of the people unto these their Rabbies, in a devotion beyond the reach of other Nations.
c. A bond of union; a tie. Obs.
1627Taking of Saint Esprit in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) III. 548 Those obligements which bind them to that nation.
3. Compulsion, constraint. Obs. rare.
1641Milton Reform. i. (1851) 2 Urgently pretending a necessity, and obligement of joyning the body in a formall reverence.

