
单词 over-heavy
释义 ˈover-ˈheavy, a.
[over- 28.]
Too heavy; of excessive weight. So ˈover-ˈheaviness.
[1508Dunbar Tua Mariit W. 165 [It] wes berdin our hevy.1533More Debell. Salem Wks. 993 If they be not ouer heauy they may beare theim home, and those that be to heauy..tye ropes to theyr tailes and draw them home.]1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. vii. xxv. §i. 308 King Ethelred..set his seeming ouer-heauy Crowne vpon his Nephew Kenreds head.1622Malynes Anc. Law-Merch. 417 The reformation of the ouerheauinesse of our pound weight Troy in the Tower.1657[see over-hot].

