
单词 mystically
释义 mystically, adv.|ˈmɪstɪkəlɪ|
1. In a mystic manner or sense; with mystic or symbolical meaning or representation. (With reference to spiritual things.)
1552Huloet, Misticallye, typice.1579Fulke Heskins's Parl. 227 Euen as we are the bodies and members of Christ, and that is spiritually and mystically.1583Foxe A. & M. II. 2001/2 The fat priest. I pray the what is mistically? Wood. I take mistically to be the fayth that is in vs, that the world seeth not, but God onely.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 297 He..that was mystically slaine in Abel.1671J. Flavel Fount. of Life v. Wks. 1701 I. 34/1 [The union] of two distinct Natures, and Persons; by one Spirit, Mystically.a1711Ken Preparatives Poet. Wks. 1721 IV. 97 When Saints of all their Sins releas'd On Jesus mystically feast.1895Salmond Chr. Doctr. Immortality v. ii. 534 In virtue of their being mystically or representatively in Christ as their Head.
b. transf. and gen. Symbolically, metaphorically, figuratively. Obs.
1586W. Webbe Eng. Poetrie (Arb.) 23 They supposed all wisedome..to be included mystically in that diuine instinction, wherewith they thought their Vates to bee inspyred.c1590Greene Fr. Bacon (1630) A 4 b, Why he doth speake mysticallye.1670Pettus Fodinæ Reg. Introd., Moses in writing the History of the Creation did mystically teach the whole progress of the Metallick Art.a1688Cudworth Immut. Mor. (1731) 58 He doth not mean Mystically in this, but Physically.
2. Mysteriously, obscurely, incomprehensibly. (Often used vaguely.)
1517Watson tr. Barclay's Shyp of Folys A ij, I desyre alway and appetyteth newe inuencyons compyled mystycally.a1536Tindale Briefe Decl. Sacr. (? 1550) D ij, Many of the olde doctors spake so mistycallye that they seame sometymes to affirme plainly, that it is but bred and wine only..and sometyme that it is hys very body and bloud.1589Warner Alb. Eng. iv. xxi. 89 Some such are mistically domme.1651Cartwright Cert. Relig. i. 3 Your Lordship speaks mystically, will it please you to be plain a little?1693Congreve Old Bach. iv. xii, Still mystically senseless and impudent.1799R. Sickelmore Agnes & Leonora I. 57 They adjourned to the stable, to review the beast that had been so mystically introduced.1884Seeley in Contemp. Rev. Oct. 494 Faust..was..as mystically, as awfully sombre as any of those plays of Calderon.
b. Eccl. In a low or inaudible voice, secretly.
1657Sparrow Bk. Common Prayer 102 The Priest should say it µυστικῶς secretly and mystically.
3. With mystic rites. rare.
1817Coleridge Sibyl. Leaves (1859) 241, I have arrows mystically dipt.

