“mosaic work”的英英意思

单词 mosaic work
释义 mosaic work Now rare.
1. = mosaic n. 1. Also transf. and fig.
1606Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iv. ii. Tropheis (1633) 202 For, in the bottom of this liquid Ice, Made of Musaick worke, with quaint device The cunning work-man had contrived trim Carpes, Pikes, and Dolphins seeming even to swim.1643Evelyn Diary 11 Mar., They also shew'd us the picture of Secretary Cecil in mosaiq worke, very well don by some Italian hand.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) II. 110 His Writings are like a Taylor's Cushion, of mosaic Work, made up of several Scraps sewed together.1779J. Moore View Soc. Fr. (1789) II. lv. 53 This art of copying paintings in Mosaic work.1842H. Rogers Ess. (1874) I. 28 That curious mosaic work of different tongues, which is so common in the pages of Burton and Taylor.1878Sir G. G. Scott Lect. Archit. I. 312 Of mosaic-work, whether of porphyry or enamel, you will find abundant examples.
2. = mosaic n. 2. ? Obs. Also fig.
1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. ii. 76 The different colours of these Flints make a pretty pleasant Mosaick work.1749Chesterfield Let. to Son 15 May, The several pieces of a Mosaic work, though separately of little value or beauty, when properly joined, form those beautiful figures which please every body.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) II. 22 At the entrance..hangs a Mosaic work, representing an owl.1839Hallam Hist. Lit. II. ii. i. 18 note, Language is always a mosaic work, made up of associated fragments, not of separate molecules.
So mosaic-worker, one who works in mosaic; mosaic-working vbl. n.
1878Sir G. G. Scott Lect. Archit. I. 178 The bringing to England of two master mosaic-workers.1883J. H. Middleton in Encycl. Brit. XVI. 853/2 The period when mosaic-working was a real art.

