
单词 geometrically
释义 geometrically, adv.|dʒiːəʊˈmɛtrɪkəlɪ|
[f. prec. + -ly2.]
In geometrical manner; according to geometry. geometrically proportional (also proportioned): standing in geometrical proportion.
1555Eden Decades 360 The same is more easely and redely found geometrically by the globes.1564–78W. Bullein Dial. agst. Pest. (1888) 14 The fine knottes are doen in good arte, Geometrically figured.1583Babington Commandm. viii. (1637) 74 What spoile so ever is got..ought..to be disposed to every man Geometrically, that is, according to every mans service and worthinesse; not Arithmetically, that is, to every man alike.1643Herle Answ. Ferne 36 Nor matters it whether this coordination..be arithmettically or geometrically proportioned.1654Whitlock Zootomia 458 Praise..becometh their Due on whom it is bestowed (if not Geometrically squared to their Desert).1717tr. Frezier's Voy. 129 The Plan of the Bay of Coquimbo, on the Coast of Chili..taken Geometrically.1819G. Samouelle Entomol. Compend. 105 The animals composing this genus inhabit the sea..moving geometrically like the larvæ of the Phalænadæ.1885Watson & Burbury Math. Th. Electr. & Magn. I. 125 We have thus constructed a new electrical system, in which every conductor S of the original system is represented geometrically by a surface S′.

