
单词 insense
释义 I. ˈinˌsense, n. Obs. rare.
In 6–7 insence.
[f. in adv. 12 + sense.]
Inner sense; essential meaning.
1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) i. iii. 17 This solempnyte..is not of y⊇ insence & necessyte of baptem.1653J. Taylor (Water P.) title, The Essence, Quintessence, Insence..of Nonsence upon Sence.
II. insense, v. Obs. exc. north. dial.|ɪnˈsɛns|
Forms: 5 en-, insens, 5–7 en-, in-, -sence, -cense, -cence, 6– insense.
[ME. ensens(e, a. OF. ensenser to enlighten, to bring into sense, f. en- in, into + sens sense; afterward assimilated to a L. type *insensāre. From 17th c. app. only dialectal (chiefly northern), or in writers under dialect influence.]
trans. To cause (a person) to understand or know something; to inform.
Const. of, with (rarely on, into), or with dependent clause; in second quot. with double object.
c1400Beryn 2213 So was he ful ensensid How he hym wold engyne, as he had purpensid.Ibid. 2406, I wold have ensensid ȝewe al the iniquite Of these false marchandis, þat dwellin in þis town.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 22 Eugeny..Sent him letters him to ensens Of saynt cuthbert kyth and kynne.1486in Surtees Misc. (1888) 55 Eternall sapience Did insence me.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. John xvi. 96 b, Yea and than also the holy goste shall incence you, what to aske and how to aske in my name.1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, v. i. 43, I thinke I haue Incenst the Lords o' th' Councell, that he is..A most Arch-Heretique.1674Ray N.C. Words 26 To Insense, to inform, a pretty word used about Sheffield in York-sh.1689Col. Rec. Pennsylv. I. 297 Insence y⊇ minds of the good people of this Government.1797W. Tone Autobiog. (1828) 264 Lewines insensed him a good deal on Irish affairs.1843F. E. Paget Pageant 18 Gertrude, so please you..insense me with the fashions of the sixteenth century.1846Brockett N.C. Gloss. (ed. 3) I. 236 Insense, to make to understand.1849R. Curzon Monast. Levant Introd. 37 The walls..covered with frescos, served as books to insense the minds of the unlearned with the histories..of the faith.1865S. Wilberforce in Burgon Lives 12 Gd. Men (1888) II. 34 Pray do insense me. You must know all about it.1895J. T. Fowler in Durh. Univ. Jrnl. 16 Feb. 134, I should really be glad to be insensed from the opposite side.

