
单词 upnim
释义 upˈnim, v. Obs.
[up- 4. Cf. OFris. opnima, opnema (WFris. opnimme), (M)Du. opnemen, MLG. upnemen (LG. upnämen), MHG. ûfnemen (G. aufnehmen).]
trans. To take up.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 3024 It so bi-cam, ðat moyses askes up⁓nam.c1290St. Brandan 11 in S. Eng. Leg. I. 220 Bi-twene his armes seint brendan þis holie man op nam.c1320Cast. Love 1488 He þat from heuene com, From louh an heiȝ he vs up-nom.1340Ayenb. 143 Hi deþ ase deþ þe ilke mayde strongliche opnome of loue.
Hence upˈniming vbl. n. Obs.
1340Ayenb. 22 Þe þridde kuead..ys fole opniminge of uals strif.Ibid. 83 Fole op-nymynge is huer lite profit liþ, and moche cost.

