
单词 befly
释义 beˈfly, v. Obs.
[OE. befléoᵹan f. be- 4 + fléoᵹan to fly, q.v. for forms. (Not separated in ME. from beflee, the pa. tenses being identical.)]
trans. a. To fly about. b. To fly from, shun, escape.
a890K. ælfred Bæda iii. x, Þa spearcan befluᵹon þæs huses hrof.c1175Lamb. Hom. 169 Wið þet þe mihte helle pine bi-flien and bi-sunien.1340Ayenb. 77 Þe greate filosofes þet þise guodes beuloȝe.
Hence, beˈflying vbl. n., shunning, avoiding.
1340Ayenb. 121 Be þe beuliynge of kueade.

