
单词 shortening
释义 shortening, vbl. n.|ˈʃɔːt(ə)nɪŋ|
1. The action or an act of the verb shorten.
a1542Wyatt Poems, Epitaph Sir T. Gravener 12 No sickness could him from it let; Which was the shortening of his days.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 160 Hee should neuer seeke to attempt any thing to the shortning or hurt of his Grandfathers life or empire.1796C. Marshall Garden. xii. (1813) 149 The rule for shortening is this: Consider the strength of the tree [etc.].1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 249 As in the case of shortening back to induce the growth of fruit spurs in the apple tree.1886Magee in Contemp. Rev. Jan. 15 Oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration have shrunk, after many lengthenings and shortenings, into the brief and simple form [etc.].
2. concr. A fat or oil used to make pastry, etc., short.
1796A. Simmons Amer. Cookery 34 Loaf Cakes No. 2 Rub 4 pound of sugar, 3 and a half pound of shortning, (half butter and half lard) into 9 pound of flour.1823Moor Suffolk Words, Shortning, suet or butter, in cake, crust, or bread.1854Seba Smith Way down East 333 We have n't got a bit of shortnin' in the house.1883Cassell's Fam. Mag. Nov. 758/2 The very reason for boiling the ‘shortening’ with water is that by liquefying the fat a minimum quantity of water can be used.1970Simon & Howe Dict. Gastronomy 347/2 Shortening, a culinary term used more in the United States than in Britain and it applies to fats used in making breads, cakes, pastry etc. All fats, even oils, come under this nomenclature and are used because they make mixtures ‘short’ or tender.1980Blair & Ketchum's Country Jrnl. Oct. 34/3, 2 tablespoons shortening.

