
单词 swine-cote
释义 swine-cote Now only Hist. or dial.
Forms: see swine and cote n.1; also 6 swynne-coote, 7 swincoate, -coote; 5 swynce cote, 6 swynsecote; 5 swynnen cote.
[f. swine + cote n.1]
A pigsty.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 277 Now þei [sc. abbeys] ben fallen doun, or maad swyn-kotis, stablis, or bark-houses.c1440Promp. Parv. 449/2 Schudde, hovel, or swyne kote.Ibid. 475/1 Sty, swynce cote (K. swynys howus, S. swyn cote, A. styy, swynnen cote).1447O. Bokenham Seyntys (Roxb.) 291 In a taverners hous in a swyncote lay she Tyl mydnyht.1546Supplic. Poore Commons (E.E.T.S.) 78 Would ye commyt them to the kepyng & fedyng of such swynherdes as did not know theyr swynsecotes when thei sawe theym?1557Scotter Manor Rec. in N.W. Linc. Gloss., That euery man shall haue a sufficient swynne-coote.1604Manch. Court Leet Rec. (1885) II. 199 Iohn Chester hath a swinecoate at the backsyde of his house verie pestiferous.1659in Picton L'pool Munic. Rec. (1883) I. 192 The swynecoate joyneing unto the Church wall be puled downe.1730P. Walkden Diary (1866) 117 Spent the day at home in repairing our swine cote side, and painting it.1830tr. Aristoph., Wasps 147 Philocleon. What is this? Bdelycleon. A swine-cote of Vesta.1869Lonsdale Gloss., Swine-cote, Swine-hull, Swine-sty, a pig-sty.

