
单词 survey
释义 I. survey, n.|ˈsɜːveɪ, səˈveɪ|
Also 6– 7 -vay, -veigh, 7 servey.
[f. next.]
The action, or an act, of surveying; the object or result of this.
1. a. The act of viewing, examining, or inspecting in detail, esp. for some specific purpose; usually spec. a formal or official inspection of the particulars of something, e.g. of an estate, of a ship or its stores, of the administration of an office, etc.
1548in Eng. Gilds (1870) 203 The Certyfycath of the Suruey of alle the late Collagys, Chauntryes, [etc.].a1570in Feuillerat Revels Q. Eliz. (1908) 407 Vpon which survey it will appere where and in whome the abuse is.1596Bacon Max. & Use Com. Law ii. (1630) 7 A Court, whereunto the people of euery Hundred should be assembled twice a yeare for surueigh of Pledges.1719De Foe Crusoe i. (Globe) 83 Having perceiv'd my Bread had been low a great while, now I took a Survey of it, and reduc'd myself to one Bisket-cake a Day.1763Brit. Mag. IV. 175 Compounders neglecting to..pay their composition-money, shall be charged with the duty, and become liable to a survey.1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1780), Survey, an examination made by several naval officers into the state or condition of the provisions, or stores belonging to a ship, or fleet of men of war.1772Jacob's Law Dict. (ed. 9) s.v., On the falling of an estate to a new lord,..a court of survey is generally held.1800Colquhoun Comm. Thames vi. 237 The Regular Perambulations of the Police Boats in their daily and nightly surveys of the River.1802in East Rep. Cases Crt. K.B. (1808) IV. 590 He had had a survey on her [sc. the ship] on account of her bad character.1855Leifchild Cornwall 145 Each gang of men accustomed to work together, selects one of their number to represent and act for them on the day appointed for the ‘setting’ or ‘survey’.1868E. Edwards Ralegh I. xxv. 597 James now directed a minute survey of that portion of Ralegh's fleet.
b. transf. A written statement or description embodying the result of such examination.
1613in Scott. Hist. Rev. Oct. (1910) 12 One ancient survey..which..Denton restored againe, but the same is since embezelled.c1645Howell Lett. ii. 18, I had spare hours to couch in writing a survay of these Countreys.1652Nedham tr. Selden's Mare Cl. 82 In the survey or Breviarie of the dignities of the East onely three Provinces are reckoned under the Proconsul of Asia.1801Farmer's Mag. Apr. 192 Not above thirty lines of the Survey are occupied upon this subject.1808East Rep. Cases Crt. K.B. IV. 590 margin, The survey which accompanied the letter gave the ship a good character.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. V. xxii. 6 As an historical monument, the value of the Domesday Survey cannot be overrated.
c. A kind of auction for the sale of farms: see quot. 1796. local. (s.w.)
1725Farley's Exeter Jrnl. 28 May 4 On Thursday..will be held a Survey at the House of William Haydon..for sale of the Inheritance of divers Messuages.1796W. H. Marshall Rural Econ. W. Eng. I. 71 The disposal of farms for three lives is generally by what are provincially termed surveys; a species of auction; at which candidates bid for the priority of refusal, rather than for the thing itself.
d. ‘A district for the collection of the customs, under the inspection and authority of a particular officer. U.S.’ (Cent. Dict. 1891).
2. Oversight, supervision, superintendence.
1535Act 27 Hen. VIII, c. 27 § 5 All hereditamentes apperteynyng..to any the said Monasteries..shalbe in the order survey and gouernaunce of the said Courte.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. xxiii. (1739) 41 He regulated the Courts of Justice under his Survey.1654G. Goddard Introd. Burton's Diary (1828) I. p. lxv, They had the survey, and, perhaps, advice in all.
3. a. The, or an, act of looking at something as a whole, or from a commanding position; a general or comprehensive view or look.
1589Greene Menaphon (Arb.) 46 Taking her eye from one particular obiect, she sent it abroad to make generall suruey of their countrey demeanours.1601Shakes. All's Well v. iii. 16 He lost a wife, Whose beauty did astonish the suruey Of richest eies.1666Dryden Ann. Mirab. ccxxii, He..O'relooks the Neighbours with a wide survey.1718Pope Iliad xv. 492 Great Hector view'd him with a sad survey, As stretch'd in dust before the stern he lay.1840Hood Up Rhine 44, I had time now to look round, and, on taking a survey of the company, was not sorry to recognise our old acquaintance.1848Dickens Dombey liii, After a moment's survey of her face.1871Calverley Charades i. xi. in Verses & Transl. 74 Then to my whole [sc. pier-glass] he made his way; Took one long lingering survey; And softly, as he stole away, Remarked, ‘By Jove, a bird!’
b. concr. That which is thus viewed; a view, prospect, scene; a delineation of this, a ‘view’, picture (obs.).
a1700Evelyn Diary 13 Sept. 1666, I presented his Majesty with a survey of the ruines.1821J. Baillie Metr. Leg., Lady G.B. 8 Delighted with the fair survey.1844Mrs. Browning Lost Bower x, In childhood, little prized I That fair walk and far survey.1853Phillips Rivers Yorks. ii. 17 Overlooking with a magnificent survey the vale of Eden.
4. fig. A comprehensive mental view, or (usually) literary examination, discussion, or description, of something.
a1568R. Ascham Scholem. ii. (Arb.) 131 Sturmius is he, out of whom, the trew suruey and whole workemanship is..to be learned.1593Bancroft (title) A Svrvay of the Pretended Holy Discipline.1598Stow (title) A Svrvay of London. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie.1599Hakluyt Voy. I. Pref. *5 b, Let vs take a sleight suruey of our traffiques and negotiations in former ages.1635D. Person (title) Varieties: or, A Svrveigh of rare and excellent matters, necessary and delectable for all sorts of persons.1729Butler Serm. Wks. 1874 II. 123 It may set us upon a more frequent and strict survey and review of our own character.1780Bentham Princ. Legisl. xvii. §26 Upon taking a survey of the various possible modes of punishment.1836Thirlwall Greece II. xi. 1 We have already taken a survey of the legends relating to the origin of the people of Attica.1871Blackie Four Phases i. 125 The most critical questions, which require comprehensive survey, cool decision, and impartial judgment.
5. a. The process ( or art) of surveying a tract of ground, coast-line, or any part of the earth's surface; the determination of its form, extent, and other particulars, so as to be able to delineate or describe it accurately and in detail; also, a plan or description thus obtained; a body of persons or a department engaged in such work.
ordnance survey: see ordnance 5.
1610W. Folkingham Feudigr. i. i. 1 Suruey in generall is an Art wherby the view and trutinate intimation of a subiect, from Center to Circumference is rectified. The Suruey of Possessions..is the Arts by which their Graphicall Description is particularized.1654Whitlock Zootomia 201 Geometry, it may be, teacheth me Wisdome, not to lose a Pearch of my many Acres, through imperfect Survey.1765Museum Rust. V. 101 To any person..who shall make an accurate survey of any county, upon the scale of one inch to a mile.1774M. Mackenzie Marit. Surv. p. xxii, Thence it is, that so few Surveys have been continued beyond the Extent of a large Bay, or River.1841Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. IV. 402/1 The accurate survey of the river Thames, from Staines to Yanklet-creek..has been just completed.1856Orr's Circ. Sci., Mech. Philos. 260 For drawings of land-surveys, it is usual to employ chains as units of measurement.1876Voyle & Stevenson Milit. Dict. s.v., Such surveys or military sketches are furnished by the topographical branch of the intelligence department.1879C. C. King in Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 92/1 How, with very portable instruments, the survey of a small area is conducted.
transf.1849M. Somerville Connex. Phys. Sci. xxxvii. 434 Before he went to the Cape of Good Hope, in order to complete the survey of the heavens.
b. A systematic collection and analysis of data relating to the attitudes, living conditions, opinions, etc., of a population, usu. taken from a representative sample of the latter; freq. = poll n.1 7 d. Also preceded by a defining word, as (public) opinion survey, social survey: see under the first element.
1927[see social survey s.v. social a. 12].1935Fortune July 65 (heading) Fortune applies to factual journalism the technique of the commercial survey.Ibid. 66/2 Fortune will present the results of independent surveys of national scope scientifically conducted.Ibid. 66/1 It seems obvious that the survey technique is not only as well adapted to journalistic use as to other uses but considerably better adapted.1959J. W. Krutch Human Nature & Human Condition vii. 127 One survey made by the Gallup Poll may reveal that 61 per cent of all adults could not remember having read one book during the year just passed.1965M. Frayn Tin Men xiii. 69 The crash survey showed that people were not interested in reading about road crashes unless there were at least ten dead.1969Times 7 Jan. 8/6 Both science and arts students believe in magic to an equal extent, according to a survey carried out at Ghana University.1979[see sample n. 2 d].
6. attrib. (chiefly in senses 4 and 5). survey course U.S., an introductory academic course in which the significant features of a wide subject area are studied.
1610Holland Camden's Brit. 205 We find in the said survey-booke of his [sc. Domesday], the King had in this Citie three hundred houses.1772Regul. H.M. Service at Sea 19 He [sc. a Captain or Commander] is to demand from the Clerk of the Survey, a Survey-Book, with an Inventory of the Stores.1800Proc. Parl. in Asiat. Ann. Reg. 16/2 A reduction of survey charges.1845Stocqueler Handbk. Brit. India (1854) 59 Great..service has been rendered in the survey department by officers of the Indian navy.1890L. D'Oyle Notches 52, I saw that it was a survey-party by their instruments.1911Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 13 Apr. 14/2 An advertisement was published yesterday..calling for tenders for the purchase of the old survey ship, which formerly served in the war fleets.1930L. G. D. Acland Early Canterbury Runs 1st Ser. ix. 224 This was in 1852 when a few wooden buildings..were all there was of Christchurch, except survey pegs.1941C. Fadiman Reading I've Liked (1946) p. xxii, My brother, five years my senior and a student at Columbia College, was at the time taking a conventional survey course that used a sound standard anthology.1951M. McLuhan Mech. Bride (1967) 47/1 Survey techniques inevitably throw up images of normalcy.1964P. Meadows in I. L. Horowitz New Sociol. 450 Others exploited survey-questionnaire methods. Indeed, industrial society became in the 'thirties the land of the Gallup Poll—‘Galluputia’.1967M. Argyle Psychol. Interpersonal Behaviour ix. 151 In fact the reliability of survey interviews is not very high.1978N. & Q. Feb. 82/1 Brief or survey treatment of major authors.
II. survey, v.|səˈveɪ|
Also 6 servey, survaye, 6–7 survay, surveigh, 7 survei, pa. tense survaid.
[a. AF. surveier, -veir, = OF. so(u)rv(e)eir (pres. stem sorvey-):—med.L. supervidēre supervide.]
1. trans. To examine and ascertain the condition, situation, or value of, formally or officially, e.g. the boundaries, tenure, value, etc. of an estate, a building or structure, accounts, or the like; more widely, to have the oversight of, supervise. spec., to examine the condition of a property on behalf of its prospective buyer.
1467–8[see surveying vbl. n. 1].1472–5Rolls of Parlt. VI. 159/1 To survey and kepe the Waters and grete Ryvers there,..and to doo due execution by the said Statutes,..aswell by their survew,..as by enquestes therof to be taken.1512Act 4 Hen. VIII, c. 13 §3 Accomptes.. to be taken veyed surveyede & comtrolled by [etc.].1523Fitzherb. Surv. Prol., Howe all these maners..& tenementes shulde be extended, surueyed, butted, bounded, and valued.a1570in Feuillerat Revels Q. Eliz. (1908) 407 Suche..surveiours..as..will survey the office and the whole charge therof.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, i. iii. 1, I am come to suruey the Tower this day; Since Henries death, I feare there is Conueyance.1601F. Tate Househ. Ord. Edw. II, §14. (1876) 13 The fruit which the purveiour..shal provide..shalbe surveied bi the same clarke before any be spent.1625Impeachm. Dk. Buckhm. (Camden) 31 To survey al the bils of lading and to compare al the merchants marks.1709Act 8 Anne c. 5 §18 All Makers of Candles shall..keep all the Candles..which shall not have been surveyed..separate..from all other their Candles which shall have been surveyed.1860Geo. Eliot Let. 5 Sept. (1954) III. 342 It is a better house than I care to have..moreover, the place must be surveyed by a builder before we can come to a final decision.1880Times 17 Dec. 5/6 The Persian Monarch, st., is reported..to be leaking slightly... She will be surveyed.
2. To determine the form, extent, and situation of the parts of (a tract of ground, or any portion of the earth's surface) by linear and angular measurements, so as to construct a map, plan, or detailed description of it. Also absol.
1550Crowley Epigr. 1371 A manne that had landes..surueyed the same, and lette it out deare.1587Lady Stafford in Collect. (O.H.S.) I. 208 The woods were seen and surveighed by him.., so that he knew the number of acres.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 22 The Romans measured or surveyed all these places with the greatest care.1846Blackw. Mag. Apr. 506/1, I was out surveying the whole morning.1879C. C. King in Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 93/2 Let us assume..that the surveyor having walked over the area he intends to survey..has..selected..a somewhat central position, on which to measure his base.
3. To look carefully into or through; to view in detail; to examine, inspect, scrutinize; to explore (a country). Now rare or Obs.
1592Nashe P. Penniless Supplic I 2 b, When he comes in to seruey his wares.1613Campion El. Pr. Henry 51 His care had beene Suruaying India, and implanting there The knowledge of that God which hee did feare.a1631Donne Poems, Dampe i, When I am dead..my friends curiositie Will have me cut up to survay each part.1658in Verney Mem. (1907) II. 82 To survey all my letters and actions..with a most rigid and censorious eye.a1700Evelyn Diary 17 Aug. 1669, To London, spending almost the intire day in surveying what progresse was made in rebuilding the ruinous Citty.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 241 The whole of this time my landlord and I spent in surveying the country, and viewing his plantation.1798S. & Ht. Lee Canterb. T. II. 134 He took the piece he was drawing, and, holding it behind the light, to survey it, [etc.].1871Jowett Plato IV. 279 At all seasons of the year..let them [sc. wardens] survey minutely the whole country,..acquiring a perfect knowledge of every locality.
4. a. To look at from, or as from, a height or commanding position; to take a broad, general, or comprehensive view of; to view or examine in its whole extent.
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. lxxii. iii, From sea to sea He shall survey All kingdoms as his own.1615Chapman Odyss. x. 128, I..thence suruaid From out a loftie watch towre..The Countrie round about.1667Milton P.L. viii. 268 My self I then perus'd, and Limb by Limb Survey'd.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iii. 354 Often he turns his Eyes, and, with a Groan, Surveys the pleasing Kingdoms, once his own.1782Cowper Alex. Selkirk i, I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute.1811Lamb Guy Faux Misc. Wks. (1871) 374 Two persons..are intently surveying a sort of speculum..which stands upon a pedestal.1832H. Martineau Hill & Valley iii. 38 You..like to survey the ranks of slaves under you.1873Hale In His Name vi. 48 He surveyed the whole figure of the rider.
absol.1667Milton P.L. iii. 555 Round he surveys, and well might, where he stood So high above the circling Canopie Of Nights extended shade.
b. fig. To take a comprehensive mental view of; to consider or contemplate as a whole.
a1596Sir T. More iv. v. 65 Lets now suruaye our state.1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 126 Suruay we all the internall, all the externall meanes of grace.a1656Hales Gold. Rem. i. (1673) 253 If we surveigh and sum up all the forces which the Divil, Flesh, World, are able to raise.1712Addison Hymn in Spectator No. 453 ⁋7 When all thy Mercies, O my God, My rising Soul surveys.1749Johnson Van. Human Wishes 2 Let observation with extensive view, Survey mankind from China to Peru.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) IV. 259 He surveyed the elements of mythology,..which lay before him.1888F. Hume Mme. Midas i. Prol., In a short time they were able to rise to their feet and survey the situation.
absol.1859Cornwallis Panorama New World I. 121 Here was a scene that spoke a history. Let me survey.
c. To observe, perceive, see. Obs. rare—1.
1605Shakes. Macb. i. ii. 31 The Norweyan Lord, surueying vantage, With..new supplyes of men, Began a fresh assault.1615R. Brathwait Strappado (1878) 178 Bid them haue recourse vnto their glasse, And there surueigh how swiftly time doth passe.
5. Also |ˈsɜːveɪ|. To carry out a survey (sense 5 b) of (a group of people, or its beliefs, living conditions, etc.).
1953Pohl & Kornbluth Space Merchants (1955) iii. 34 Survey the book-buyers, the repeat-viewers.1958M. Argyle Relig. Behaviour iv. 31 Beliefs have also been repeatedly surveyed by one or two investigators.Ibid. vi. 63 Kuhlen and Arnold..surveyed over 500 children grouped around the ages of 12, 15 and 18.
Hence surveyed |-ˈveɪd|, ppl. a.
1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 251 A surveyed township.1895Daily News 4 Oct. 7/3 The only surveyed block now obtainable in that mine.

