
单词 cacique
释义 cacique|kəˈsiːk|
Forms: 6 (L. caccicus, caciquus,) cacike, cazike, 7 cassique, casique, (casica), 8 cachique, 8– cazique, 6– cacique.
[a. Sp. cacique, cazique, or F. cacique, native Haitian word for ‘lord, chief’ (Oviedo Hist. de las Indias).]
1. A native chief or ‘prince’ of the aborigines in the West Indies and adjacent parts of America.
1555Eden Decades W. Ind. i. ii. (Arb.) 72 Makynge..a brotherly league with the Caccicus (that is to saye a kynge).1577Eden & Willes Hist. Trav. 219 b, These Indians gyue great honour and reuerence to theyr Cacique.1578T. N. tr. Conq. W. Ind. 33 A cruel and cursed Cacike, that is to say a Lord, in whose power we fell.a1618Raleigh Apol. 46 The Mynes which the Cassique Carapana offered them.1697W. Dampier Voy. (1698) I. v. 124 They had a Casica too..but he could neither write nor speak Spanish.1778Robertson Hist. Amer. I. ii. 97 Here Columbus was visited by a prince or Cazique of the country.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 757 The several nations are governed by their chiefs or cachiques.1799Sheridan Pizarro i. i, On yonder hill, among the palm-trees, we have surprised an old cacique.1843Prescott Mexico ii. i. (1864) 73 The cacique who ruled over this province.
2. In Spain or Latin America, a man who owes his ascendancy to his power or influence; a political ‘boss’; also used attrib. of a political system in which the power is in the hands of such a man or men. Also attrib. Hence caˈciqu(e)ism, the cacique system.
1872Schele de Vere Americanisms 71 The West India term Cacique..is often most absurdly applied..to mayors of New Mexican towns, and any somewhat pompous and self-sufficient man is apt to be nicknamed the Cacique of his town.1903Times 3 June 3/5 Caciquism, the Spanish equivalent for the methods of Tammany.1923Glasgow Herald 23 Oct. 7 This decree,..of great importance for the destruction of ‘caciquism’, will be applied to about 500 towns.1923Contemp. Rev. Nov. 613 The cacique whether an employer of labour or a moneylender has the majority of the constituency under his thumb.1923Glasgow Herald 13 Dec. 12 The whole cacique system is..an immense satire on local authority in Spain.1964Economist 4 July 37/2 The provincial caciques and city bosses.
Hence caˈciqueship, caciˈquesse.
1760tr. Juan & Ulloa's Voy. v. v. (1772) 266 The caciquesses, or Indian women, who are married to the alcades..and others.1849Fraser's Mag. XL. 411 The attainment of the caciqueship of that pseudo El Dorado by Gregor McGregor.

