
单词 guidon
释义 guidon|ˈgaɪdən|
Forms: 6 guyd home, guyd(e)home, 7 guid(e)home, (6 guydion, guidone, guydone, 7 guidhim), 6–7 guydon, 6– guidon.
[a. F. guidon, ad. It. guidone, perh. connected with guida guide n. (Cf. geton.)
Some of the 16th c. forms are due to popular etymology, the word being interpreted as if it were F. *guide-homme guider of men (cf. the 18th c. F. guid'âne ‘guide-ass’, handbook for the ignorant).]
1. A flag or pennant, broad at the end next the staff and forked or pointed at the other. It is the standard now used by dragoon regiments.
In U.S., a flag borne by a troop of cavalry or mounted battery; also used as a marking or signalling flag.
1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII (1809) 551 Sir Ihon Peche had his guyd home taken and diuers of his men hurt.Ibid. 830 After them followed the Dromes & fyffes and immediatly after them a Guydon of the Armes of the citie.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 1215/1 His lordship..with his owne standard, and the lord of Hunnesdons guidon, marched forward.1598Barret Theor. Warres v. ii. 143 In their middle troupes is the Guidon placed.1602Segar Hon. Mil. & Civ. ii. x. 69 The King or Generall shall cause the Points of his Pennon or Guydon to be rent off.1603Drayton Bar. Wars ii. xxiv, The Noble Percy..With a bright Cressant in his Guidehome came.1615G. Sandys Trav. 84 The Greeke kings then With guidons trail'd on earth, led forth their men In seven troupes.1685F. Spence tr. Varillas' Ho. Medicis 372 He was seen as a Knight of Rhodes carrying the great Guidon of St. John of Jerusalem.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 160 Every Trooper having a green Guidon on the top of his Pike.1722Lond. Gaz. No. 6084/4 The Guidon on a Lance.1844Regul. & Ord. Army 10 The Guidons of Regiments of Dragoons are to be of Silk.1863Kinglake Crimea II. 250 Marshal St. Arnaud, whose guidon was seen coming towards our lines.1890E. Custer Following the Guidon Pref. 13 The present cavalry guidon is a small United States flag sharply swallow-tailed, and mounted on a standard with a metal point so that it can be thrust into the ground when in use as a marker.
attrib.1581Savile Tacitus' Hist. iii. xvii. (1591) 124 With his lance he [Antonius] ranne thorow a guidon bearer.
b. ‘The flag of a guild or fraternity’ (Webster 1864).
2. An officer who carries such a standard.
1591Sparry tr. Cattan's Geomancie (1599) 41 Of many it is called the Guidon or Ensigne-bearer of the times.1622F. Markham Bk. War iii. i. 83 The Cornet or Guydon is the same that the Ensigne on foot is.1658Phillips, Guidon, a Cornet of Argolatiers that serve on hors-back with Petronels.1699Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) IV. 521 The lord Lovelace is made guidon of the horse guards.1728Morgan Algiers II. v. 300 The Turkish Horse pursued them..killing the guidon, or Standard-bearer.1779G. Smith Milit. Dict., Guidon, an officer in troops of horse-guards who ranks as Major.1880J. R. O'Flanagan Munster Circuit 3 He had his Captain, and Guidon, and Trumpeter.
3. A company, troop. Obs.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 226 Eyght guydons of horsemen.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 76 The Count..had..two guidons of horsemen.
4. Mus. A direct.
1811Busby Dict. Mus. (ed. 3).1825Danneley Encycl. Mus.

