
单词 dodec-
释义 dodeca-, dodec-
Gr. δώδεκα twelve, an initial element in numerous technical words: see below. Also doˈdecafid a. [L. -fidus -cleft], divided into twelve segments (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1883). dodeˈcamerous a. [Gr. µέρος part], consisting of twelve parts or divisions (Syd. Soc. Lex.). ˌdodecaˈpartite a. [L. partīt-us divided] = prec. ˌdodecaˈpetalous a. Bot., having twelve petals. ˌdodecaˈsemic a. Pros. [Gr. δωδεκάσηµος of twelve times (in music), f. σῆµα sign, mark], consisting of 12 moræ or units of time, as a dodecasemic foot. (In recent Dicts.)
1879Sir G. G. Scott Lect. Archit. II. 197 If all sides had the threefold division, it would have become dodecapartite.1847Craig, Dodecapetalous, having twelve petals.

