
单词 henbit
释义 henbit|ˈhɛnbɪt|
[f. hen n. + bit n.2: app. a 16th c. transl. of the Low German name: see quot. 1578.]
Name given to two common weeds. a. Ivy-leaved Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia); also distinguished as small henbit. Obs.
1578Lyte Dodoens i. xxxv. 51 The fourth kinde [of Chickweed] (called of the base Almaignes Hoenderbeet) that is to say Henbit, hath many rounde and hearie stemmes.1597Gerarde Herbal ii. clxxxii. §3. 492 Iuie Chickweede or small Henbit.1713Derham Phys.-Theol. (J.), In a scarcity in Silesia a rumour was spread of its raining millet-seed; but it was found to be only the seeds of the ivy-leaved speedwell, or small henbit.
b. A species of Dead-nettle (Lamium amplexicaule), with irregularly cut or inciso-crenate leaves; formerly distinguished as greater henbit. Also henbit nettle, h. dead-nettle.
1597Gerarde Herbal ii. clxxxii. 492 The great Henbit hath feeble stalkes leaning towarde the grounde, whereon do growe..leaues like those of the dead Nettell.1778Lightfoot Flora Scot. (1789) I. 309 Lamium amplexicaule..Great Henbit..In cultivated ground, frequent.1861S. Thomson Wild Fl. iii. (ed. 4) 229 The example given..is the..henbit, or dead-nettle.

