
单词 unminded
释义 unˈminded, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Unmentioned; not borne in mind. Obs.
a1513Fabyan Chron. i. xxii. 17 This also is vnmynded of wryters..for rudenesse of his dedes, that clerkes lyst nat to spende any tyme in wrytynge of suche dedes.1590Spenser Muiopot. Ep. Ded., Which taketh glory..to spend it selfe in honouring you: not so much for your great bounty to my self, which yet may not be vnminded;..as for [etc.].
2. Unheeded, unregarded.
1562J. Heywood Prov. & Epig. (1867) 17 Unminded, vnmoned, go make your mone.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iv. iii. 59 When he was..A poore vnminded Out-law, sneaking home.a1625Beaum. & Fl. Laws of Candy v. i, Where was your gratitude, who in your Coffers Hoarded the rustic treasure which was due To my unminded Father?1667Milton P.L. x. 332 Hee, after Eve seduc't, unminded slunk Into the Wood fast by.1710Brit. Apollo No. 61. 3/1 Sable Night unminded past away.1846Landor Imag. Conv. Wks. I. 390/1 Even grandmothers ere now have been unminded by their own grandchildren.
b. Left unnoticed, overlooked.
1698Christ Exalted §99 It is not to be unminded how the Rebuker slides off the three first Conditions.

