
单词 asit
释义 aˈsit, v. Obs.
[In sense 1 f. a- prefix 1 + sittan to sit; cf. Ger. ersitzen: in sense 2 prob. for atsit, q.v.]
1. intr. To sit, settle; remain sitting.
a1000Elene (Grein) 998 Secᵹas, mid siᵹecwén, aseten hæfdon, on Créca land.1205Lay. 26353 Þa while þa þeos eorles þreo seiden heore erende, aset [1250 sat] þe kaisere.
2. trans. To sit against; to withstand.
c1330Arth. & Merl. 8150 Non his dent asit might.a1400Octouian 1665 No man ne myghte with strengthe asytte Hys swordes draught.

