
单词 anagogic
释义 anagogic, a. and n.|ænəˈgɒdʒɪk|
[? ad. med.L. anagōgic-us, a. Gr. ἀναγωγικ-ός mystical: see prec. and -ic. Cf. Fr. anagogique.]
A. adj.
1. Of or pertaining to anagoge; mystical, spiritualized.
1388Wyclif Isa. Prol., Anagogik [vndurstondyng of hooli scripture] techith what we owen to hope of euerlastyng meede in heuene.1677Gale Crt. Gentiles II. iii. 118 The papists make their anagogic sense of Scripture correspondent to the Judaic Cabala.1849Fitzgerald tr. Whitaker's Disp. 403 The mystic or spiritual..he says is either tropological, or anagogic, or allegorical.
2. Psychol. (See quots.)
1917S. E. Jelliffe tr. Silberer's Probl. Mysticism & Symbolism iii. i. 241 Anagogic interpretation..is a form of functional interpretation.Ibid. 242 The true functional phenomenon, as I have so far described it, pictures the actual psychic state or process; the anagogic image appears on the contrary to point to a state or process that is to be experienced in the future.1934H. C. Warren Dict. Psychol. 12/1 Anagogic, a term applied by Silberer and Jung to the moral, spiritual, allegorical, or uplifting trends of the unconscious.1940Hinsie & Shatzky Psychiatric Dict. 29/1 Silberer believes that dreams are susceptible of two different interpretations. One is..[the] infantile sexual interpretation. The other is related to the spiritual, idealistic, non-sexual forces of the unconscious; hence, the expression anagogic interpretation. The latter is of the kind stressed by Jung.1954R. F. C. Hull tr. Jung's Coll. Wks. XVI. 9 The synthetic or anagogic view..asserts that certain parts of the personality which are capable of development are in an infantile state.
B. n. [The adj. used absol.]
1. ‘One skild in explaining the Scriptures.’ Cockeram 1623. Obs.
2. pl. anagogics: anagogic studies, or practice; ‘mysterious considerations.’ T.
1675L. Addison State of Jews 248 (T.) That the Misna Torah was composed out of the cabalisticks and anagogicks of the Jews.

