
单词 complement
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE〕She wanted to create a garden to complement her beautiful home. 她想修建一座花园与她的漂亮房子相配。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕A simple string of pearls will complement any outfit. 一条简单的珍珠项链配任何装束都很好看。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕She looked beautiful -- the white silk of her blouse complemented her olive skin perfectly. 她看上去很漂亮一白色的真丝衬衣和她橄榄色的皮肤十分相配。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕Soft, creamy bed linen adds a luxurious touch and complements any colour scheme. 柔和的米黄色寝具给人一种豪华舒适的感觉,和任何色调都相配。朗文写作活用〔SUITABLE〕The chicken dish is complemented by wild rice or spiced couscous. 这道鸡配菰米饭或加香料的蒸粗麦粉吃味道很好。朗文写作活用〔SUITABLE〕The wine complemented the meal perfectly. 这种葡萄酒佐餐极好。朗文写作活用〔Wassermann test〕A diagnostic test for syphilis involving the fixation or inactivation of a complement by an antibody in a blood serum sample.瓦色尔曼试验:检验梅毒的诊断试验,包括用血清样品中的抗体使补体结合或失活美国传统〔accent〕A distinctive feature or quality, such as a feature that accentuates or complements a decorative style.特点,特征,特色:区别性特征或性质。如强调或补充一种装饰风格的特征美国传统〔accompaniment〕Something added for embellishment, completeness, or symmetry; complement.伴随物,补充物:为了装饰、完整或对称而附加的东西;补充物美国传统〔baritone〕Her free-flowing soprano complemented his sensuous ringing baritone.她流畅自如的女高音衬托出了他悦耳清脆的男中音。外研社新世纪〔basically〕Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.我基本上认为他是在性格上和我互补的人。柯林斯高阶〔classical pathway〕The activation of complement by an antigen-antibody complex.传统传导:补体的活化。是藉由一个抗原抗体的复合物美国传统〔codeclination〕The complement of the declination.极距:磁偏余角美国传统〔complement system〕The complement system plays an important role in human immunological defences against cancer, bacteria, and viruses.补体系统在人体对癌症、细菌和病毒的免疫防御中有重要作用。剑桥高阶〔complemental〕Having to do with or being a complement.补足的或与补足有关的美国传统〔complement〕Each new cell will carry its full complement of chromosomes.每个新细胞都包含全数的染色体。朗文当代〔complement〕Each ship had a complement of around a dozen officers and 250 men.每艘舰船的编制为约12名军官和250名士兵。外研社新世纪〔complement〕Each ship had a complement of around a dozen officers and 250 men.每艘船的编制人数约为军官12位,船员250名。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕Her green floor length dress complemented her tall lean good looks.她那绿色拖地长裙正好和她修长的优美身材相配。英汉大词典〔complement〕Her guitarplaying complemented his singing perfectly.她的六弦琴和他的歌声配合得很完美。牛津同义词〔complement〕Her youthful energy will be a welcome complement to the strength and experience of the team.她的青春活力是对于这支球队实力和经验的良好补充。麦克米伦高阶〔complement〕In the sentences ‘I'm angry’ and ‘He became a politician’, ‘angry’ and ‘politician’ are complements.在句子 I'm angry 和 He became a politician 中,angry 和 politician 为补语。牛津高阶〔complement〕John and Bob complemented each other well.约翰和鲍勃互相配合得很好。朗文当代〔complement〕Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.克洛斯岛上没有一所房子的窗户仍旧是齐全的。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.圈用地里没有一间房子的窗户是齐全的。外研社新世纪〔complement〕Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.肉豆蔻、西芹和苹果酒都能很好地突出这些豆子的味道。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕Our sauces are the perfect complement to any meal.我们的沙司与任何一餐饭都能搭配得很好。麦克米伦高阶〔complement〕Political knowledge is a necessary complement to science in approaching solutions to these problems.在寻找解决这些问题的方法时,需要有政治知识作为对科学知识的补充。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕Political knowledge is a necessary complement to science in approaching solutions to these problems.在解决这些问题时, 需要科学知识, 也需要政治知识作为补充。外研社新世纪〔complement〕Roses in a silver bowl complement the handsome cherry table.银碗中的玫瑰更为这张漂亮的樱桃色桌子添彩美国传统〔complement〕Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly.草莓加奶油相得益彰。剑桥高阶〔complement〕The complement of the fleet was fixed at 1200 men.舰队编制人数定为1200名。英汉大词典〔complement〕The TV networks and newspapers complement each other and should not quarrel.电视台和报纸相辅相成,不应争吵。英汉大词典〔complement〕The dark red walls complement the red leather chairs.这深红色的墙和红皮椅很相配。朗文当代〔complement〕The dishes on the menu complement each other perfectly.菜单上的各道菜品搭配绝妙。牛津搭配〔complement〕The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.佳肴佐以美酒,堪称完美无缺。牛津高阶〔complement〕The exercises are an ideal complement to my usual rehearsal methods.这些练习作为我日常排演方法的补充很理想。外研社新世纪〔complement〕The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.绿色墙纸和旧松木梳妆台很搭。外研社新世纪〔complement〕The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.绿色的墙纸完美地衬托出衣橱那年代久远的松木。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕The music complements her voice perfectly.音乐完美地衬托出她的嗓音。剑桥高阶〔complement〕The plants are chosen to complement each other.所选的这些植物互为补充。麦克米伦高阶〔complement〕The scarf is a perfect complement to her outfit.这条围巾配她这身衣服,堪称完美。韦氏高阶〔complement〕The ship carried its full complement of passengers.那艘船载满了乘客。牛津同义词〔complement〕The shirt complements the suit nicely.这件衬衫为这套服装增色不少。韦氏高阶〔complement〕The soup and salad complement each other well.这道汤和沙拉搭配正好。韦氏高阶〔complement〕The squadron was far under complement.这支中队缺编严重。英汉大词典〔complement〕The team needs players who complement each other.球队需要能够相互取长补短的队员。牛津高阶〔complement〕The zoo has a full complement of native American wildlife.在这个动物园里,所有美国土生的野生动物都齐了。英汉大词典〔complement〕There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.会有笔试作为实践考试的补充。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.除了实践测试外, 还会有一场笔试作为补充。外研社新世纪〔complement〕They were very different people, and so complemented each other perfectly.他们两人截然不同, 刚好相辅相成。外研社新世纪〔complement〕This project is intended to complement, not replace, local authority programmes.该工程是为了补充而不是替换地方政府的计划。麦克米伦高阶〔complement〕This wine is the perfect complement to fish.这种葡萄酒最适合吃鱼时喝。牛津搭配〔complement〕This wine would be a nice complement to grilled dishes.这种葡萄酒配烧烤食物会很不错。朗文当代〔complement〕Travel can be an excellent complement to (或 of) one's education.旅行能极大地补充一个人的学识。英汉大词典〔complement〕Turkey will soon have a full complement of almost one-thousand four-hundred personnel in the security force.土耳其保安部队很快就会配齐将近1400名人员。外研社新世纪〔complement〕We complement one another perfectly.我们相互取长补短,堪称完美。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕We already have our full complement of workers.足额麦克米伦高阶〔complement〕We've taken our full complement of trainees this year.我们今年接收的实习生已满员。牛津搭配〔complement〕We've taken our full complement of trainees this year.我们今年接收的实习生已满员。牛津高阶〔compliment〕The different flavours complement each other perfectly.不同的味道搭配在一起,可口极了。牛津高阶〔contrast〕A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。牛津高阶〔cosecant〕The secant of the complement of a directed angle or arc.余割:有向角的余角或弧的余割美国传统〔cotangent〕The tangent of the complement of a directed angle or arc.余切:有方向角或弧的补角的正切美国传统〔counterpart〕One that serves as a complement.补充品:作为补充的物或人美国传统〔evoke〕A sense of period was evoked by complementing pictures with appropriate furniture.给照片配上一些合适的家具,唤起了一种年代感。柯林斯高阶〔foible〕We understand each other's foibles and complement each other.我们了解各自的缺点, 互补不足。外研社新世纪〔genomic DNA〕The full complement of DNA contained in the genome of a cell or organism.基因组DNA,基因组脱氧核糖核酸:存在于细胞或生物体中的全部脱氧核糖核酸辅助成分美国传统〔karyotype〕The characterization of the chromosomal complement of an individual or a species, including number, form, and size of the chromosomes.染色体组型:单个的或一个物种的染色体配对物的特征,包括染色体的数目、形状和大小美国传统〔obverse〕Serving as a counterpart or complement.对应面的:作为副本或补充物的美国传统〔open〕Of, relating to, or being a set that is the complement of a closed set.余集合的美国传统〔properdin〕A natural protein in human blood serum that participates in the body's immune response by working in conjunction with the complement system.备解素,血清灭菌蛋白:血清中与防御素协同参与身体的免疫反应的人体血液的天然蛋白美国传统〔richness〕The coffee flavour complemented the richness of the pudding.咖啡的味道中和了布丁的油腻感。柯林斯高阶His dark good looks complement her blonde beauty.他黝黑俊朗的外貌和她白皙动人的美貌相得益彰。剑桥国际Homework is a necessary complement to classroom study. 家庭作业是课堂教学的必要补充。译典通Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly.吃草莓时配上奶油最合适。剑桥国际The neutral flavour of this wine is the perfect complement to beef dishes with rich sauces.这淡淡的酒味配浓汁牛肉是再好不过的了。剑桥国际The set was cleverly designed and well complemented by the lighting.布景构思巧妙,灯光配置更使其锦上添花。剑桥国际The technology exists to complement and amplify the human mind.技术的存在能补充与扩大人的智力。剑桥国际This dress was tailored to complement her fullness. 这条连衣裙裁剪得衬托出她丰满的体型。译典通This wine complements the food perfectly. 用这酒配这些菜肴,相得益彰。译典通

