“by the side of”例句

单词 by the side of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕My car broke down, and I was left stranded by the side of the road. 我的车子抛锚了,我被困在路边。朗文写作活用〔NEXT TO〕Several soldiers were sitting on the grass by the side of the road. 几名士兵坐在路边的草地上。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕Something was lying in the gutter by the side of the road. 路旁的排水沟里躺着什么东西。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signalling to me to pull over. 一名警察站在路旁,示意我把车停在路边。朗文写作活用〔blown to pieces〕Her broken bicycle lay in pieces by the side of the road.她的自行车倒在路边,已经散架了。韦氏高阶〔bramble〕We stopped to pick brambles by the side of the road.我们在路边停下来采摘黑莓。剑桥高阶〔canal〕We walked along by the side of the canal.我们沿着运河边往前走。朗文当代〔change〕Three boys were changing a tyre by the side of the road.三个男孩在路边换轮胎。朗文当代〔distract〕The advertisements by the side of the road sometimes distract the attention of motorists.路旁的广告有时会转移驾车人的注意。英汉大词典〔eyesore〕The ugly tall building by the side of the lake is nothing short of an eyesore.湖畔那座丑陋的高层建筑真是不折不扣的眼污染物。英汉大词典〔grass〕We parked on the grass verge by the side of the road.我们把车停在路旁的草地边缘处。牛津搭配〔identity〕Police are trying to discover the identity of a baby found by the side of a road.警方想知道在路边找到的婴儿的身份。朗文当代〔rent〕They want to rent a house by the side of the river.他们想在河边租一所房子。21世纪英汉〔resting place〕We found a good resting place by the side of the trail.我们在这条小径的边上找到了一个理想休息处。韦氏高阶〔road〕We parked by the side of the road.我们在路边停车。韦氏高阶〔road〕We stopped and had something to eat by the side of the road .我们停下来,在路边吃了点东西。朗文当代〔side〕She was kneeling by the side of the bed.她跪在床边。外研社新世纪〔side〕There was a stall selling flowers by the side of the road.路边有个卖花的小摊。外研社新世纪〔side〕They had a picnic by the side of the lake.他们在湖边野餐。外研社新世纪〔stand〕The sign by the side of the road said "no standing".路边的标志牌上写着“禁止停车”。剑桥高阶〔tip〕The sign by the side of the road said "No tipping".路边的标牌上写着“不准倾倒垃圾”。剑桥高阶〔verge〕She left her car by the side of the road and walked along the grass verge to the emergency phone.她把车停在公路旁,沿着长满草的路边走到了紧急电话亭。剑桥高阶〔viewpoint〕The viewpoint by the side of the road gave us a stunning panorama of the whole valley.从路边这个位置我们可以看到整个峡谷的壮观景色。剑桥高阶〔wait〕The sign by the side of the road said "no waiting!" 路边的标志牌上写着“禁止停车”。剑桥高阶〔wave〕They stood by the side of the road and waved frantically.他们站在路边疯狂地招手。牛津搭配〔wretch〕The poor wretch lay crying by the side of the road.那个可怜的人躺在路边哭喊。麦克米伦高阶〔zoom in/out〕At the beginning of the film, the camera zooms in to show two people sitting by the side of a river.影片一开始,镜头拉近,对准了坐在河边的两个人。剑桥高阶A despondent young man stood by the side of the road in the rain, hoping that someone would give him a lift.雨中,一个垂头丧气的年轻人站在路边,希望有人愿意搭他一程。剑桥国际After our long walk, we rested by the side of the river.我们走了很长一段后,在河边休息。剑桥国际At the beginning of the film, the camera zooms in to show two people sitting by the side of a river.在影片开始的时候,镜头对准了坐在河边的两个人。剑桥国际Fetchingly dressed in a pair of gold swimming trunks, he posed by the side of the pool.风度翩翩地穿着金色游泳裤,他在游泳池边摆好了姿势。剑桥国际She left her car by the side of the road and walked along the grass verge to the emergency phone.她把车子停在路边,沿着路肩草地走到了紧急电话亭。剑桥国际She looks small by the side of her companion. 与她同伴一比,她就显得瘦小。译典通The injured animal lay by the side of the road, convulsing with/in pain.受伤的动物躺在路边,痛苦地抽搐着。剑桥国际The sign by the side of the road said No Waiting (Am and Aus No Standing) (= vehicles are not allowed to park even for short periods).路边的标牌上写着:严禁停靠!剑桥国际The sign by the side of the road said “No tipping”.路边的标牌上写着“不准倾倒垃圾”剑桥国际

