
单词 phosphorus
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Phosphorus〕The astronomer did not believe that Phosphorus was visible only in the evening.那位天文学家以前不相信晨星只有晚上可见。外研社新世纪〔admixture〕Platinum combines with phosphorus and arsenic and is seldom found without an admixture of related metals.铂见于含磷、砷的铂化合物中,并且绝大多数情况下都和一些铂族金属共生。剑桥高阶〔bronze〕Any of various alloys of copper, with or without tin, and antimony, phosphorus, or other components.铜合金:铜与锡、锑、磷或其物质构成的一种合金,含锡,也可不含锡美国传统〔nitride〕A compound containing nitrogen with another more electropositive element, such as phosphorus or a metal.氮化物:一种含有氮和另外一种更具正电性元素的化合物,如磷或金属的化合物美国传统〔organophosphate〕Any of several organic compounds containing phosphorus, some of which are used as fertilizers and pesticides.有机磷酸酯:几种含磷的有机化合物的任一种,其中一些用作肥料和杀虫剂美国传统〔phosphate〕A fertilizer containing phosphorus compounds.磷肥:含有磷化合物的一种化肥美国传统〔phosphide〕A compound of phosphorus and a more electropositive element or radical.磷化物:由磷和电正的元素或基因组成的一种化合物美国传统〔phosphine〕Any of several organic compounds having the structure of an amine but with phosphorus in place of nitrogen.碱性染革黄棕:具有胺的结构的、但是以磷替代了氮的有机化合物美国传统〔phosphor bronze〕A hard, strong, corrosion-resistant bronze containing tin and a small amount of phosphorus, used in machine parts, springs, and fine tubing.磷青铜:一种坚硬的、牢固的、抗腐的青铜,含有锡和少量磷,用于机械部件、缆索和优质管形材料中美国传统〔phosphorism〕Chronic phosphorus poisoning.慢性磷中毒美国传统〔volutin〕A granular substance that stains easily with a basic dye and is often rich in phosphorus, found in the cytoplasm of various bacterial and fungal cells.异染质,迂回体:一种易与基本染料相染常富含磷的颗粒状物质,存在于各种细菌和真菌细胞的细胞质中美国传统Phosphorus is used in making matches.磷用于制造火柴。剑桥国际No animal or plant can exist without phosphorus. 没有一种动物或植物离开磷能够生存。译典通Platinum combines with phosphorus and arsenic and is seldom found without an admixture of related metals.铂与磷和砷化合很少会没有相关金属的混合物。剑桥国际Steel is an alloy of iron, carbon and other elements such as phosphorus and nickel.钢是铁、碳、及磷、镍等其他元素的合金。剑桥国际

