
单词 arterial
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angiotensin〕Either of two polypeptide hormones, one of which is a powerful vasoconstrictor, that function in the body in controlling arterial pressure.血管收缩素,高血压素:两种多肽激素,其中一种是有效的血管收缩素,在体内控制动脉血压美国传统〔aortic arch〕One of a series of paired arteries in a vertebrate embryo that connects the ventral arterial system to the dorsal arterial system.主动脉弓:脊椎动物胚胎内一系列成对的动脉之一,它将腹动脉系统与背动脉系统连结起来美国传统〔arterialize〕To convert (venous blood) into bright red arterial blood by absorption of oxygen in the lungs.动脉血转化:通过在肺部吸氧将(静脉血)转变为鲜红的动脉血美国传统〔arterial〕Arterial blood is oxygen-rich, pink, and highly pressurized.动脉血富含氧气, 色泽绯红, 压强高。外研社新世纪〔arteriosclerosis〕A chronic disease in which thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls result in impaired blood circulation.动脉硬化:一种由于动脉血管粗化,硬化,失去弹力导致血液循环不畅的慢性病美国传统〔atherogenesis〕Formation of atheromatous deposits, especially on the innermost layer of arterial walls.动脉粥样化形成:动脉粥样化堆积的形成,尤指动脉壁最内层美国传统〔calcification〕Arterial walls may develop calcifications, which reduce the ability of the vessels to transport blood adequately.动脉血管壁可能出现钙化,降低血管正常输送血液的能力。剑桥高阶〔cuff〕Medicine An inflatable band, usually wrapped around the upper arm, that is used along with a sphygmomanometer in measuring arterial blood pressure.【医学】 橡皮箍袖带:一种可充气的箍带,通常裹在前臂上,与血压计一起使用以测量出动脉的血压美国传统〔depressor nerve〕A nerve that when stimulated acts to lower arterial blood pressure.减压神经:受到刺激后会使动脉血压降低的神经美国传统〔dry gangrene〕Gangrene that develops as a result of arterial obstruction and is characterized by mummification of the dead tissue and absence of bacterial decomposition.干性球疽:由于动脉阻塞而发生的坏疽,其特点为死组织干燥,无细菌引起的腐烂美国传统〔hypertension〕Arterial disease in which chronic high blood pressure is the primary symptom.高血压:一种动脉疾病,慢性高血压是其最基本症状美国传统〔hypertonic〕Pathology Having extreme muscular or arterial tension.【病理学】 张力亢进的:有极端的肌肉或动腺紧张美国传统〔oximeter〕A device for measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood.血氧定量仪:用来测量动脉血氧和度的仪器美国传统〔plaque〕A deposit of fatty material on the inner lining of an arterial wall, characteristic of atherosclerosis.斑:动脉血管壁内脂肪物质的沉积,以动脉粥样硬化为特征美国传统〔sphygmograph〕An instrument for graphically recording the form, strength, and variations of the arterial pulse.脉搏描记器,脉波计:用绘图方式记录动脉脉搏的形式、力度及变化的仪器美国传统〔thrombus〕Arterial thrombosis is caused by a thrombus in an artery.血栓形成的原因是动脉中出现血栓。剑桥高阶〔ventricle〕The chamber on the left side of the heart that receives arterial blood from the left atrium and contracts to force it into the aorta.左心室:位于心脏左侧的心室,从左心房接收动脉血并收缩把血压入主动脉美国传统Improvements have been made to arterial roads to cope with increased traffic.交通要道都已改善,以适应交通量的增长。剑桥国际Smoking is very damaging to the arterial walls (=the sides of the arteries).吸烟对动脉管壁很有害。剑桥国际

