
单词 escort
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRIVE〕The President's car arrived with its escort of police motorcyclists. 总统的汽车在警方摩托车队的护送下到达了。朗文写作活用〔EQUIPMENT〕For a salesman, a cheap suit and a Ford Escort are the traditional tools of the trade. 干推销员这一行,一套便宜的西装和一辆福特护卫者汽车一向是必不可少的。朗文写作活用〔H.M.S.〕The Navy is sending a ship, the HMS Alacrity, to escort us in.海军派出一艘舰艇——“轻捷”号英国王家舰艇——为我们护航入港。外研社新世纪〔SEX〕We're dealing with a professional escort, not some dumb whore. 我们要应付的是一名职业交际花,而不是什么愚蠢的娼妇。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕After he was sacked, he was escorted discreetly from the building by two senior managers. 他被解雇后,两名高级经理小心地把他送出大楼。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The agreement says weapons inspectors will be accompanied by Iraqi escorts. 协议中写明武器检查人员将由伊拉克护卫队陪同。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The guards escorted them to a waiting helicopter. 警卫护送他们走向等候着的直升机。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The prisoner was escorted into the room by two police officers. 囚犯在两名警员的押送下进了房间。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The three men left the court under police escort. 那三名男子由警察押送离开了法庭。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕They provided an armed escort for the journey back to Cairo. 在返回开罗的途中,他们提供了一支武装护卫队护送。朗文写作活用〔accompany〕The picture shows the party chairperson escorting the candidate through the crowd.这张图片反映了党的主席陪同候选人通过人群。美国传统〔arrival〕Security escorts will ensure their safe arrival.安全护卫人员将确保他们安全到达。牛津搭配〔cavalier〕Abbr. cav.A gallant or chivalrous man, especially one serving as escort to a woman of high social position; a gentleman.缩写 cav.骑士风度的男子:英勇的或有骑士风度的男子,尤制护送具有较高社会地位的妇女的人;绅士美国传统〔color guard〕The ceremonial escort for the flag, as of a country or an organization.护旗队:一个国家或组织旗帜礼仪上的护卫队美国传统〔convoy〕A convoy of ships escorted the submarine out of harbour.一支护航船队护送潜水艇出了港口。英汉大词典〔convoy〕A group, as of ships or motor vehicles, traveling together with a protective escort or for safety or convenience.受护送的船队:在护送下或者为了安全或方便而一起行进的(如,船只或机动车)团队美国传统〔convoy〕The act of accompanying or escorting, especially for protective purposes.护航:陪伴或护送的行为,尤指为了保护性目的美国传统〔date rape〕Rape perpetrated by the victim's social escort.约会强奸:由于受害者的社会陪同而犯的强奸美国传统〔doorway〕We were escorted through a low doorway.我们在人陪同下穿过一条低矮的门道。柯林斯高阶〔doorway〕We were escorted through a low doorway.有人陪我们穿过一条低矮的门道。外研社新世纪〔escort duty〕One corporal and four men were on escort duty.一名下士和四名士兵在值班护卫。外研社新世纪〔escort duty〕The ship was on escort duty in the Western Mediterranean.该舰在西地中海执行护航任务。外研社新世纪〔escort from〕Several policemen had to escort the referee from the football field.几个警察不得不护送这位裁判离开足球场。21世纪英汉〔escort to〕Let me escort you to the door.让我把你送到门口。21世纪英汉〔escort〕A group of demonstrators were taken under escort to the police station.一群示威者被押送警察局。外研社新世纪〔escort〕Armed escorts are provided for visiting heads of state.来访的国家元首由武装衞队护送。牛津高阶〔escort〕Bill escorted Ellie to the opera.比尔陪埃莉去看了歌剧。朗文当代〔escort〕Denise was escorted by her uncle.丹尼斯由她的叔叔陪同出席。麦克米伦高阶〔escort〕During World War II Canada's destroyers served as escorts to many convoys.第二次世界大战时,加拿大的驱逐舰被用来为许多船队护航。英汉大词典〔escort〕Edward pays her to be his escort for the week he's in town.爱德华花钱请她陪自己度过在城里的一周。外研社新世纪〔escort〕Everyone was surprised when she arrived at the party without an escort.当她没带男伴只身参加聚会时,所有在场的人都很惊讶。韦氏高阶〔escort〕Get your planes ready for escort duties.飞机待命,准备护航。牛津搭配〔escort〕HMS Tamarisk served as a convoy escort in the North Sea.英国皇家海军舰艇“柽柳”号在北海提供护航服务。外研社新世纪〔escort〕He escorted her round London.他陪她在伦敦游览了一圈。外研社新世纪〔escort〕He arrived in court under police escort.在警察的护送下,他到达法院。麦克米伦高阶〔escort〕He arrived with a police escort shortly before half past nine.快到9点半的时候,他在一名警察的护送下到达了。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕He felt it wise to send an escort with the group.他觉得派一队人护送那批人比较明智。英汉大词典〔escort〕He had to be escorted from the building by a security guard.他不得不在一名保安的护卫下离开了大楼。外研社新世纪〔escort〕He hired an escort to go to the dinner with him.他雇了一位女郎陪他赴宴。剑桥高阶〔escort〕He left us, declining our offered escort.他谢绝我们派人护送的提议,离开了我们。英汉大词典〔escort〕He was driven away to prison under armed escort (=protected or guarded by an escort).他被用车武装押送到了监狱。朗文当代〔escort〕Her escort to the ball was my brother.陪伴她去参加舞会的是我的兄弟。英汉大词典〔escort〕Her escort was a handsome high-ranking officer.她的男伴是一名英俊的高级军官。外研社新世纪〔escort〕Her bodyguards escorted her through the airport.她的保镖护送她穿过机场。麦克米伦高阶〔escort〕His funeral was afforded a police escort.他的葬礼由警察护卫。外研社新世纪〔escort〕I escorted her to the door.我送她到门口。朗文当代〔escort〕I escorted him to the door.我把他送到了门口。外研社新世纪〔escort〕I escorted him to the door.我陪他走到门口。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕May I escort you home?我能送你回家吗?外研社新世纪〔escort〕My sister needed an escort for a company dinner.我妹妹需要一个陪她参加公司晚宴的男伴。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕My sister needed an escort for a company dinner.我妹妹需要一名同伴陪她参加公司的晚宴。外研社新世纪〔escort〕People on the tour will be escorted by an expert on archaeology.游客们将由一位考古学专家陪同前行。剑桥高阶〔escort〕Prisoners are taken to court under police escort.囚犯由警察押送带上法庭。牛津高阶〔escort〕Security guards escorted the intruders from the building.保安把闯入者押送出了大楼。剑桥高阶〔escort〕Several fighters escorted the bombers back to base.几架战斗机护卫着轰炸机群返回了基地。韦氏高阶〔escort〕Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.在数只小船的护航下,帆船驶入海港。剑桥高阶〔escort〕She escorted him to the front door.她送他到前门。麦克米伦高阶〔escort〕She had a police escort to the hospital.她由警察护送到医院。牛津搭配〔escort〕She was paid to escort a billionaire businessman to a society party.她受雇陪同一名亿万富商参加一个社交聚会。外研社新世纪〔escort〕Spencer escorted her to a television studio.斯宾塞护送她去一家电视演播室。英汉大词典〔escort〕The President arrived, escorted by twelve soldiers.总统在十二名衞兵的护送下到达。牛津高阶〔escort〕The army provided a small armed escort for the delegation.军方为代表团配备了小型武装卫队。牛津搭配〔escort〕The bombers were protected by a fighter escort.那些轰炸机由一群战斗机护航。韦氏高阶〔escort〕The company escorts prospective buyers around the property.公司派人陪同潜在的买主看房。朗文当代〔escort〕The members of the jury left the court with a police escort.陪审团成员在警察的护送下离开了法庭。剑桥高阶〔escort〕The opposition leader was arrested and taken to the capital under escort.反对派领袖被捕后被押送到了首都。牛津搭配〔escort〕The players were escorted out through a back door.乐手被护送着从后门离开。外研社新世纪〔escort〕The police escorted her to the airport, and made sure that she left the country.警察将她押送到机场,确保其离境。剑桥高阶〔escort〕The prisoner was taken to the court under police escort. [=with a police escort] 囚犯被警察押上了法庭。韦氏高阶〔escort〕The prisoners were transported under military escort.这些犯人被军人押送到流放地。剑桥高阶〔escort〕The referee needed a police escort as he left the stadium.裁判在离开运动场时需要警察护卫。牛津搭配〔escort〕The shipment was escorted by guards.货物的运输由卫兵护送。朗文当代〔escort〕The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port.这艘船被护送到了一个秘密的港口。外研社新世纪〔escort〕The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port.那艘轮船在护航下前往一个秘密港口。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕They left with a small escort.他们由一支小型护卫队陪同离开了。牛津搭配〔escort〕Two Marines escorted Benny inside.两个美国海军陆战队士兵把本尼护送到里面。朗文当代〔escort〕Two warships escorted the troopship.两艘军舰为运兵船护航。英汉大词典〔escort〕Under heavy escort the big ship made the dangerous trip.大船在严密的护航下作了那次危险的航行。英汉大词典〔escort〕Visitors are not allowed to enter the building without an escort.没有护卫陪同,访客不得进入这栋大楼。韦氏高阶〔escort〕When the queen sailed, her yacht had an escort of ten destroyers and fifty aircraft.女王出航时,有10艘驱逐舰和50架飞机为她的游艇护航。英汉大词典〔escort〕Who will be escorting her to the ball? 谁将做她的舞伴呢?剑桥高阶〔escort〕Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ?你今晚愿意陪这位小姐去参加舞会吗?21世纪英汉〔escort〕You should escort her home.你应该陪她回家。21世纪英汉〔escort〕You should not visit the area without an escort.你不应该在没有护卫的情况下访问这个地区。麦克米伦高阶〔fill〕I was asked to fill the role of escort.我应邀来做陪同。外研社新世纪〔functionary〕The visitors were met by a functionary who escorted them to the director's office.来访者由一位工作人员迎接并送至局长办公室。剑桥高阶〔gallantry〕He was seen escorting her with great gallantry.有人看见他非常慇懃地陪送她。文馨英汉〔gigolo〕A man who is hired as an escort or a dancing partner for a woman.职业舞男,妇女的男陪伴:被一妇女雇来作护卫者或伴舞者的男人美国传统〔guard〕Archaic To escort.【古语】 护送美国传统〔household troops〕The regiments of cavalry and infantry that escort and guard a sovereign and a royal family.御林军,禁卫军:护卫君主和皇室的骑兵和步兵团美国传统〔indeed〕When we asked to see more we were refused. Indeed we were escorted away by men with guns.当我们要求进一步参观时却被拒绝了。实际上,我们是被一些带枪的人护送离开的。柯林斯高阶〔lend〕He lent himself out as her escort for the first few weeks.在最初的几个星期里,他充当她外出时的陪伴人。英汉大词典〔nether〕He was escorted back to the nether regions of Main Street.他被护送回中央大道南面的地方。柯林斯高阶〔nuptial〕After the ceremony the couple was escorted to the nuptial chamber.婚礼之后这对新人被送入洞房。英汉大词典〔off the premises〕Police escorted her off the premises.警方护送她离场。韦氏高阶〔outrider〕A guide; an escort.引导者;护卫者美国传统〔outrider〕Eight police outriders escorted the minister's car.有八名摩托车警卫护送部长的车。外研社新世纪〔passage〕Escort ships were needed to ensure safe passage on the seas.需要护航舰艇来确保海上通道安全。牛津搭配〔personally〕When the great man arrived, the club's manager personally escorted him upstairs.大人物到达后, 该俱乐部的经理亲自送他上楼。外研社新世纪〔personally〕When the great man arrived, the club's manager personally escorted him upstairs.那位要人到达时,俱乐部经理亲自陪他上楼。柯林斯高阶〔police〕The visiting fans returned to the station under police escort.客队的球迷在警方的护送下回到火车站。牛津搭配〔premises〕Police were called to escort her off the premises.叫来警察护送她离场。牛津搭配〔premises〕Police were called to escort her off the premises.召来警察护送她离场。牛津高阶〔premises〕The security guards escorted the protesters off (= away from) the premises.警卫护送抗议者们离开场地。剑桥高阶〔premise〕The manager escorted him off the premises.经理把他送出门外。朗文当代〔prisoner〕Security staff will escort the prisoners to the scene of the crime.保安人员将押送犯人到犯罪现场。麦克米伦高阶〔safe-conduct〕An official document or an escort assuring unmolested passage, as through enemy territory.安全通行证:保证平安无事地通过(敌军领地)的官方文件或护送美国传统〔score〕Our coach was escorted by a score of policemen.我们乘坐的客车有二十个警察护送。朗文当代〔secure〕A police escort secured the route of the American president.警察护卫队保卫美国总统行进路线的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔shipment〕An armed patrol boat will escort the shipment.一艘武装巡逻艇将为这批货物护航。牛津搭配〔squire〕A man who attends or escorts a woman; a gallant.对女子献殷勤的人,情人:照料或护卫女子的男人;骑士美国传统〔squire〕To attend as a squire; escort.侍从;护卫美国传统〔surprised〕A plainclothes police officer escorted the surprised Frenchman out of the building.一位便衣警察护送那位惊讶的法国人走出大楼。外研社新世纪〔take down〕The judge told the escorting prison officers: 'Take him down'.法官对押送狱警说:“把他带下去。”外研社新世纪〔take〕Informal To escort, as a date.【非正式用语】 陪伴(比如,约会中一方)美国传统〔take〕The president arrived, escorted by twelve bodyguards.总统在十二名保镖的护送下到达。牛津高阶〔usher〕One who is employed to escort people to their seats, as in a theater, church, or stadium.引座员:剧院里,教室里或体育馆内雇来领人们入座的人美国传统〔usher〕To serve as an usher to; escort.(像引座员般)引领;护送美国传统〔vis-à-vis〕A date or an escort, as at a party.护花使者:伴侣或护花使者,如在舞会上美国传统He left the court under police escort.他在警察的陪护下离开了法庭。剑桥国际My escort during my visit was one of the research workers.我参观过程中的陪伴者是研究工作者中的一位。剑桥国际People on the tour will be escorted by an expert on archaeology.参观者将由一位考古学专家陪伴。剑桥国际Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.几只小船护送帆船进港。剑桥国际She describes herself as an escort, but really she's a prostitute.她自称是个陪同,但事实上是名妓女。剑桥国际Soldiers and police officers often have to undertake escort duty, such as guarding important people.士兵和警察常常得做护卫工作,比如保护重要人物。剑桥国际The convoy of merchant ships was escorted by several frigates.商船的护航是由几艘护卫舰来完成的。剑桥国际The military escort was made up of three tanks and two armoured personnel carriers.武装护送队由三辆坦克和两辆装甲兵员运输车组成。剑桥国际The police escorted her to the airport.警察护送她到机场。剑桥国际The prisoners were taken to another jail under escort. 囚犯们被护送到另一个监狱。译典通The security guards escorted the protesters off (= away from) the premises.警卫护送抗议者离开场地。剑桥国际The two tankers heading for the war zone were escorted by a cruiser and a destroyer.两艘驶向战区的油轮由一艘巡洋舰和一艘驱逐舰护航。剑桥国际The visitors were met by a functionary who escorted them to the director's office.来访者由一位机关工作人员迎接,并领入局长办公室。剑桥国际Theresa needed a police escort when she returned to salvage what remained in her vandalized house.特丽萨需要警察护卫,才能回到她那被肆意破坏的家中,抢救剩下的财产。剑桥国际Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps. 三千名武装随从紧跟其后。译典通

