
单词 fast-moving
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPORT/GAME〕Rugby is a very exciting, fast-moving game. 橄榄球是一项非常刺激的快速运动。朗文写作活用〔finely〕This is a fast-moving but finely observed drama.这部剧节奏快, 但刻画细腻。外研社新世纪〔insect〕Far off, there was the insect sound of the fast-moving trucks.远处,传来车辆奔驰所发出的虫鸣般的声响。英汉大词典〔millrace〕The fast-moving stream of water that drives a mill wheel.水流:推动磨坊水轮的流速很快的水流美国传统〔moving〕Be careful when changing lanes in fast-moving traffic.车流快的时候变车道要小心。朗文当代〔narrative〕It's difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.很难把纷繁更迭的众多事件构建成一个故事。牛津搭配〔parallel〕Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career.戴维斯在事业突飞猛进的同时并未放弃自己广泛的兴趣爱好。外研社新世纪〔parallel〕Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career.戴维斯在事业突飞猛进的同时并未放弃自己广泛的兴趣爱好。柯林斯高阶〔rapid〕An extremely fast-moving part of a river, caused by a steep descent in the riverbed. Often used in the plural.急流,湍滩:由于河床倾斜下降而形成的流动极快的河流的一部分,常用复数美国传统〔scour sth out〕The fast-moving water had scoured out a channel in the rock.急流在岩石上冲刷出一道凹槽。剑桥高阶〔slap shot〕A fast-moving shot made in hockey with a full swinging stroke.击射:在曲棍球比赛中抡开球棍迅速的一记射门美国传统〔slipstream〕The region of reduced air pressure and forward suction produced by and immediately behind a fast-moving ground vehicle.(汽车)滑流:空气压力下降并向前吸引的区域,由在地面上迅速移动的车辆造成并紧随其后美国传统〔speedway〕A road designed for fast-moving traffic; an expressway.高速公路:为高速交通设计的公路;快速公路美国传统〔unwary〕The fast-moving tide sometimes surprises unwary swimmers.汹涌的潮水有时会让毫无防备的游泳者措手不及。韦氏高阶〔windage〕The disturbance of air caused by the passage of a fast-moving object, such as a railway train.气流:快速经过的物体(如火车)引起的对空气的扰动美国传统It's a fast-moving film, underpinned by an exciting soundtrack.这是一部快节奏电影, 配有令人兴奋的音乐。剑桥国际

