
单词 emissary
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chiaus〕An official Turkish messenger, emissary, or sergeant.信使:土耳其官方的信使、使者或军士美国传统〔emissary〕At this point there is no emissary process in place.这时派遣使者的工作还没有准备就绪。外研社新世纪〔emissary〕He flew to China as the personal emissary of the President.他以总统的私人特使身份乘飞机前往中国。剑桥高阶〔emissary〕I swear that woman's an emissary of Satan!我发誓, 那个女人是撒旦的使者!外研社新世纪〔emissary〕She acted as the president's personal emissary to the union leaders.她作为总统的私人使者与工会领袖们谈判。韦氏高阶〔legate〕An official emissary, especially an official representative of the pope.使节,使者:官方使者,尤指罗马教堂的正式官方代表美国传统He had been engaged in emissary activities before he was discovered. 在被发现以前他一直从事间谍活动。译典通Mr. Miller was sent as an emissary for the peace talks. 米勒先生被作为特使派遣去参加和平谈判。译典通The Foreign Secretary has flown to China for a three-day visit as the personal emissary of the Prime Minister.外交大臣已作为首相的私人使者飞往中国作为期三天的访问。剑桥国际They found him an emissary. 他们发现他是个间谍。译典通

