“fell behind”例句

单词 fell behind
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Rangers scored early in the game but fell behind within ten minutes. 流浪者队在比赛初期取得入球,但10分钟后落后了。朗文写作活用〔arc〕The ball rose in a high arc and fell behind the boundary line.球在空中高高地划了一条弧线落在边线外。剑桥高阶〔behind〕As hard as she tried, she always fell behind the other swimmers in the races.比赛中不管怎样努力,她总是落在其他游泳选手的后面。剑桥高阶〔behind〕I fell behind in my payments.我付款逾期了美国传统〔catch-up〕The team fell behind in the second inning and has had to play catch-up ever since.球队在第二局开始落后,此后一直在努力追平。韦氏高阶〔fall behind〕Construction work fell behind schedule.建筑进度落后于工期。外研社新世纪〔fall behind〕He missed school and fell behind.他因未去上学把功课落下了。外研社新世纪〔fall behind〕He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork.他病了6个星期,落下了学校功课。剑桥高阶〔fall behind〕Soon he fell behind in the race.很快他在赛跑中落在了后面。21世纪英汉〔fall behind〕We fell behind on our car payments.我们拖欠了我们的车款。韦氏高阶〔fall〕After losing his job, he fell behind with his mortgage payments.失业后,他的抵押还款就拖欠了。朗文当代〔fall〕Construction work fell behind schedule.建筑进度落后于工期。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕Evans had rheumatic fever, missed school and fell behind.伊万斯得了风湿热,没去上课,功课也落下了。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕She soon fell behind the leaders.她很快就落在领头者的后面。牛津高阶〔fight back〕They fell behind early in the game, but they were able to fight back and tie the score in the second half.比赛初期他们落后了,但是后来得以回击,在比赛的后半场与对手打成平局。韦氏高阶〔half〕The team fell behind in the first half but rallied in the second half to win the game.球队上半场时落后,但下半场重整旗鼓,赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔line〕The ball bounced off the crossbar and fell behind the goal line.球从球门横梁上弹出,落在球门线后。牛津搭配〔mortgage〕They fell behind with / on their mortgage, so their home was repossessed.他们没有按时还按揭款,所以房子被收走了。牛津搭配〔payment〕They fell behind on their mortgage payments .他们的按揭还款延误了。朗文当代〔straggler〕Any straggler that fell behind or got lost in the darkness was easy prey for the enemy.任何在黑暗中落伍或走失的掉队者都很容易成为敌人的攻击目标。柯林斯高阶As hard as she tried, she always fell behind the other swimmers in the races.不管她怎样努力,她总是在比赛中落在其他游泳选手后面。剑桥国际He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork.他病了六个星期,学校的功课落下了。剑桥国际The boy fell behind his compeers in the race. 在比赛中,这小男孩落到了他同伴的后面。译典通The crowd watched as the ball rose in a high arc and fell behind the boundary line.观众望着那球高高地划成一道弧线,落到边线后。剑桥国际

