“excuse for”例句

单词 excuse for
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕She's always got some lame excuse for being late. 她总是为自己迟到找些牵强的借口。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕There can be no excuse for the mistreatment of people seeking asylum in this country. 没有理由粗暴对待在这个国家里寻求避难的人。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕She had prepared an elaborate excuse for her absence. 她为缺席编好了一个巧妙的借口。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕The play has been condemned as just an excuse for sexual titillation. 这出戏被谴责成仅仅是一种性挑逗。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕There's no excuse for such childish behaviour from a grown man. 一个成年人做出这么孩子气的行为是毫无道理的。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕They always come up with the same old excuses for why they can't deliver on time. 他们总是用同样的老借口来搪塞为何无法准时把货送到。朗文写作活用〔alibi〕To make an excuse for oneself.辩解:为自己找的借口美国传统〔concoct〕John concocted an elaborate excuse for being late.约翰为迟到编了一个巧妙的借口。朗文当代〔defeat〕The captain offered no excuses for his team's humiliating defeat .对自己球队耻辱的失败,队长并未辩解。朗文当代〔delay〕There can be no excuse for any further delay .没有理由继续拖延。朗文当代〔excuse〕Any excuse for a holiday! 只要能去度假,找任何借口都行!剑桥高阶〔excuse〕Birthdays are always a good excuse for a party.生日总是举行聚会的好借口。麦克米伦高阶〔excuse〕But she admits she had a good excuse for not working.但是她承认她有正当的理由不工作。外研社新世纪〔excuse〕Fay's always making excuses for her husband's odd behavior.费伊老是为她丈夫的古怪行为找理由。朗文当代〔excuse〕He had no excuse for being so late.他对自己迟到这么久找不出借口。牛津搭配〔excuse〕He's a pathetic excuse for a President.他是个没什么作为的总统。外研社新世纪〔excuse〕His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary.他辩解说因为日记本丢了才忘了她的生日。牛津高阶〔excuse〕It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness.为他的犹豫不决寻找借口是很容易的。柯林斯高阶〔excuse〕It's just an excuse for a party.这只不过是找个借口聚会罢了。牛津搭配〔excuse〕She's a pitiful excuse for an actress.她是一个蹩脚的女演员。牛津搭配〔excuse〕Solitude was no excuse for sloppiness.独居不是邋遢的理由。柯林斯高阶〔excuse〕The children provided a convenient excuse for missing the party.孩子们为没有参加聚会随便找了个借口。牛津搭配〔excuse〕The conference is an excellent excuse for a few days' holiday by the sea.参加这个会议为在海边度几天假提供了绝好的借口。朗文当代〔excuse〕There is no excuse for child abuse.虐待儿童不容宽恕。韦氏高阶〔excuse〕There's no excuse for such behaviour.这种行为说不过去。牛津高阶〔excuse〕There's no excuse for such behaviour.没有任何理由这样做。外研社新世纪〔excuse〕There's no excuse for such conduct.这种行为说不过去。牛津搭配〔excuse〕There's no excuse for that sort of behaviour.根本没什么借口为那种行为开脱。剑桥高阶〔excuse〕Why get involved with that pathetic excuse for a human being? 为什么要与那个讨厌的家伙混在一起?牛津高阶〔excuse〕You don't have to make excuses for her(= try to think of reasons for her behaviour).你不必为她辩解了。牛津高阶〔feeble〕He offered a feeble excuse for his behavior.他为自己的行为找了个站不住脚的借口。韦氏高阶〔feeble〕That's a pretty feeble excuse for not calling your mother.那是一个相当拙劣的借口,不能作为不给你母亲打电话的理由。麦克米伦高阶〔forgive〕To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.原谅:容许失误或过失;原谅美国传统〔implausible〕He gave an implausible excuse for showing up late for work.他为上班迟到找了一个令人难以信服的借口。韦氏高阶〔inaction〕We cannot accept this as an excuse for government inaction.以这作为政府未采取行动的借口,我们不能接受。文馨英汉〔miss〕I'm trying to find an excuse for missing the office party.我正要找个不去办公室聚会的接口。剑桥高阶〔pitiful〕I grew impatient with his pitiful excuses for being late.他迟到的理由太拙劣了, 让我越来越受不了。外研社新世纪〔race〕There is no excuse for discrimination on the grounds of race.没有任何搞种族歧视的借口。牛津搭配〔regret〕I deeply regret what happened – there is no excuse for it.我为所发生的一切感到非常遗憾。这没有任何借口。麦克米伦高阶〔reject〕My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.我的老师不肯相信我的迟到理由。韦氏高阶〔self-justifying〕Making excuses for oneself or one's behavior.自我辩解的,自我开脱的:为自己或自己的行为辩解的美国传统〔trot ... out〕He trotted out an excuse for being late.他随口编了一个迟到的借口。21世纪英汉〔trot〕They trotted out the same old excuses for the lack of jobs in the area.他们又用那老一套的借口解释这个地区缺少就业机会的问题。牛津高阶〔wear thin〕Her standard excuse for being late was beginning to wear thin.她迟到时常用的那个借口已经开始不太管用了。剑桥高阶I didn't really want to go out, and the fact that it was raining gave me a convenient excuse for not doing so.我并不很想出去,而下雨给了我一个顺当的借口。剑桥国际I wrote an excuse for my absence from school. 我写了一张请假条,说明缺课的原因。译典通It was a horseshit excuse for not attending the wedding.这个不参加婚礼的借口是胡说。剑桥国际She faltered out an excuse for being late. 她结结巴巴地说出迟到的借口。译典通The rain gave us a ready-made excuse for not going out. 下雨给了我们一个不外出的现成借口。译典通We'll have to think of/up (= create) a pretty good excuse for being late.我们必须为迟到编一个冠冕堂皇的借口。剑桥国际

