
单词 不必要的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕Doctors believe that vitamin supplements are largely unnecessary. 医生认为维生素补充剂大多是不必要的朗文写作活用〔KILL〕We should be discouraging the unnecessary destruction of any wild species. 我们应该阻止任何不必要的灭绝野生物种的行为。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Hikers should know their physical limitations and not take unnecessary risks. 远足者应该知道自己体力上的不足,不要去冒不必要的危险。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕He accused the local council of allowing a needless tragedy, through a policy of not fitting smoke detectors to council houses. 他指责地方议会不在市建住房里安装烟雾报警器的政策酿成了一场不必要的悲剧。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕I'm not against vivisection, but obviously we all want to avoid animals suffering unnecessarily. 我不反对动物活体试验,但显然我们都想要避免让动物遭受不必要的痛苦。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕He has criticised the film industry for its use of gratuitous sex and violence. 他批评电影界使用不必要的性和暴力。朗文写作活用〔avoid〕Unnecessary paperwork should be avoided (= prevented) at all costs.应该尽可能避免不必要的文书工作。剑桥高阶〔belabour〕She kept belabouring the point long after they had agreed.他们意见取得一致后很久她还继续对此点作不必要的说明。21世纪英汉〔boondoggle〕To waste time or money on unnecessary and often counterproductive work.做琐细的事:浪费时间和金钱去做不必要的并常产生相反效果的工作美国传统〔boondoggle〕Unnecessary, wasteful, and often counterproductive work.琐细的工作:不必要的、浪费的并常常是产生相反效果的工作美国传统〔borrow〕To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects.自找麻烦:采取一个可能会产生负面效果的不必要的行动美国传统〔browbeat〕He refuses to be browbeaten into making changes he thinks are not necessary.他受到威逼也不肯做出他认为不必要的改变。韦氏高阶〔bureaucracy〕The organization has promised to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy.该组织已承诺消除不必要的规章制度。牛津搭配〔cause〕You caused us a lot of extra work.你让我们多干了许多不必要的工作。韦氏高阶〔cause〕You've caused us all a lot of unnecessary worry.你给我们大家带来了不必要的担心。朗文当代〔circumlocution〕The use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language.累赘的话:使用不必要的罗嗦且迂回的语言美国传统〔cumbersome〕The proposed regulations are ill-defined and cumbersome and could be unnecessarily costly.提议的规章制度阐述不清、复杂低效,而且可能会带来不必要的过高花费。柯林斯高阶〔cut back〕They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.他们将会考虑削减不必要的开销。柯林斯高阶〔delay〕Undue delays have been caused by people not doing their jobs properly.由于人们没做好自己的工作而引起了不必要的延误。牛津搭配〔disposition〕Mowbray has shown a disposition to take unnecessary risks.莫布雷总是喜欢冒些不必要的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔ellipsis〕The omission of a word or phrase necessary for a complete syntactical construction but not necessary for understanding.省略:一个从句法来说是必要的,而从理解来说是不必要的单词或词组的省略美国传统〔encumber with〕I don't want to encumber myself with unnecessary luggage.我不想使自己受不必要的行李拖累。21世纪英汉〔exert〕Do not exert yourself unnecessarily.别做不必要的努力。外研社新世纪〔expense〕To avoid extra expense and mess later on, try to decide on fittings before the plastering's finished.为避免将来出现额外的开支和不必要的麻烦,尽量在抹灰完工之前把固定设施确定下来。柯林斯高阶〔extraneous〕She sped up the process by eliminating all extraneous steps.她略去了所有不必要的步骤,加快了进程。韦氏高阶〔fatigue〕A child's sleep problems cause parents fatigue and unnecessary guilt.孩子入睡困难会让父母疲惫不堪甚至感到不必要的内疚。麦克米伦高阶〔flourish〕Her writing style is simple and clear, without unnecessary flourishes.她的写作风格简单明了,没有不必要的修饰。韦氏高阶〔gibberish〕Unnecessarily pretentious or vague language.不必要的自负或模糊的语言美国传统〔have sth on your plate〕The aid agencies have (more than) enough on their plate without having unnecessary visitors to take care of.即使不接待那些不必要的来访者,援助事务所也已经忙得不可开交。剑桥高阶〔how〕I know how much time is wasted on unnecessary tasks.我知道有多少时间被浪费在了不必要的工作上。麦克米伦高阶〔hysteria〕Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.媒体的狂热和虚假报道引起了人们不必要的焦虑。牛津搭配〔inessential〕There's very little space for inessentials.没有多少空间留给不必要的东西了。剑桥高阶〔infuse〕A union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the company's employee relations.工会会把不必要的冲突带入公司员工关系当中。外研社新世纪〔infuse〕A union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the company's employee relations.工会会把不必要的冲突带入公司员工关系当中。柯林斯高阶〔make-work〕Work of little value assigned or taken on only to keep someone from being idle.不必要的工作:仅仅为了不让人闲着而分派或从事的价值极小的工作美国传统〔molehill〕The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.英国报界小题大做,酿成了一场不必要的经济危机。柯林斯高阶〔molehill〕The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.英国新闻界小题大做, 引发了一场不必要的经济危机。外研社新世纪〔needful〕We must not put them in more danger than is needful.我们一定不能让他们处于不必要的危险中。剑桥高阶〔needlessly〕Don't speak needlessly.别说不必要的话。文馨英汉〔needlessly〕This may worry a mother needlessly.这可能会给当妈的带来不必要的担忧。外研社新世纪〔needless〕Charles hates needless waste.查尔斯痛恨不必要的浪费。朗文当代〔needless〕Not needed or wished for; unnecessary.不需要的:不需要的,不想要的;不必要的美国传统〔needless〕The report caused needless anxiety to women who have attended the clinic.那份报告导致到过那诊所的妇女产生不必要的忧虑。朗文当代〔needless〕We believe our findings will prevent thousands of needless deaths.我们相信我们的发现将会防止成千上万例不必要的死亡。外研社新世纪〔nonessential〕Please avoid all nonessential uses of water.请避免一切不必要的用水。韦氏高阶〔overheat〕Why do we pay to overheat pubs and hotels?我们为什么要为酒吧和宾馆不必要的暖气开支买单呢?外研社新世纪〔oversell〕To present with excessive or unwarranted enthusiasm; overpraise.过分吹嘘:充满了过分的、不必要的激情;过分称赞,过奖美国传统〔packaging〕All this unnecessary packaging creates so much waste.所有这些不必要的包装会造成很大的浪费。麦克米伦高阶〔performance〕Unnecessary high speeds do little for performance.不必要的高速度不利于性能的发挥。英汉大词典〔pessimism〕He warned against the dangers of undue pessimism.他警告说,持不必要的悲观态度是危险的。牛津搭配〔ping-pong〕The clinic was accused of ping-ponging patients from one specialist to another.那家诊所让病人从一个又一个专科医生那里接受不必要的检查,因而受到责难。21世纪英汉〔pother〕She often pothers herself over unnecessary details.她常在不必要的琐事上自扰。21世纪英汉〔protest〕Jack protested the masseur as an unnecessary extravagance.杰克断言用男按摩师是一种不必要的奢侈。英汉大词典〔redundancy〕Unnecessary repetition.赘言,冗长:不必要的重复美国传统〔redundant〕The picture has too much redundant detail.这幅画中不必要的细节太多。牛津高阶〔spare〕Your joke spared her needless embarrassment.你的笑话解除了她不必要的焦虑。21世纪英汉〔steam〕Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of letting off steam.经常锻炼有助于减轻不必要的压力, 也是宣泄情绪的好方法。外研社新世纪〔stricture〕He believes the UK's enterprise culture has been stymied by unnecessary strictures on business.他认为英国的企业文化因为对公司的一些不必要的限制而受到阻碍。外研社新世纪〔strip〕To remove all excess detail from; reduce to essentials.删除:除去一切不必要的细节;使精炼美国传统〔suffer〕Thousands of children in the world today suffer needlessly.当今世界上有成千上万的儿童遭受着不必要的痛苦。牛津搭配〔temptation〕Selling alcohol at truck stops is an unnecessary temptation for drivers.在卡车中途停留站卖酒对驾驶员是一种不必要的诱惑。朗文当代〔than〕We don't want to do more than is necessary.我们不想做不必要的事。麦克米伦高阶〔trim〕We should trim off the unnecessary parts of our spending.我们应该削减不必要的开销。21世纪英汉〔ultimately〕The changes ultimately proved to be unnecessary.那些变动最终证明是不必要的韦氏高阶〔undue〕These minor improvements have caused undue expense and delay.这些小小的改进已引起了不必要的开支和延误。麦克米伦高阶〔unnecessarily〕I didn't want to upset my husband or my daughter unnecessarily.我不想给我丈夫或女儿带来不必要的苦恼。外研社新世纪〔unnecessary〕Not necessary; needless.不必要的;不是必需的美国传统〔unnecessary〕Others feel that such a drastic measure is unnecessary.其他人觉得, 这一极端措施是不必要的外研社新世纪〔unnecessary〕The idea is to kill the animal as quickly as possible without causing unnecessary suffering.该主张是要尽快杀死动物,不致引起不必要的痛苦。剑桥高阶〔unnecessary〕The policy had caused thousands of families unnecessary suffering.这一政策使成千上万个家庭遭受了不必要的痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔unnecessary〕The reason behind this is to avoid unnecessary expenses.这背后的理由是要避免不必要的开支。外研社新世纪〔unnecessary〕There's no point in taking unnecessary risks.冒不必要的风险没什么意义。朗文当代〔unnecessary〕We can't afford any unnecessary delays.我们经不起不必要的耽搁。朗文当代〔wasteful〕We must eliminate wasteful expenditures.我们必须杜绝不必要的开支。韦氏高阶〔waste〕I hate unnecessary waste.我憎恨不必要的浪费。牛津高阶〔waste〕Try to avoid unnecessary waste.尽量避免不必要的浪费。牛津搭配〔waste〕We need to find ways to reduce/avoid unnecessary waste.我们需要想办法减少/避免不必要的浪费。韦氏高阶〔worry〕She gave her parents unnecessary worry when she forgot to call them.她忘记给父母打电话,引起他们不必要的担心。牛津搭配A third car was a needless expense. 买第三辆汽车是一笔不必要的开支。译典通All these car advertisements on the television seem to me to be overkill.电视上所有这些汽车广告对我来说好像是不必要的过分行为。剑桥国际Don't do anything desperate (= foolishly risky)! 别做任何不必要的冒险的事。剑桥国际He just humiliated her in front of everyone--it was so unnecessary.他就是在众人面前羞辱了她----那是根本不必要的剑桥国际I found a lot of the violence in the film totally unnecessary.我发现这部影片中的许多暴力完全是不必要的剑桥国际I'll have to write these letters by hand and deliver them -- what a palaver! 我非得要手写这些信再投递----真是不必要的麻烦。剑桥国际In the circumstances, his comments were rather superfluous (= unnecessary because they did not add anything).在这种情况下,他的评论是不必要的剑桥国际It's claimed that the police used unnecessary force to control the crowds at last Saturday's demonstration.有人声称,在上周六游行中警方使用了不必要的武力控制人群。剑桥国际Many television dramas are larded unnecessarily with swearing and violence.许多电视剧插进了不必要的粗话和暴力场面。剑桥国际Opposition MPs are demanding an investigation to see if there has been unwarranted waste of public money.反对党议员正在要求开展一项调查, 以便弄清国家的钱是否有不必要的浪费。剑桥国际Road conditions were hazardous and the police called for motorists to avoid inessential journeys.道路状况很危险,警察要求开汽车的人取消不必要的旅行。剑桥国际The aid agencies working with refugees have (more than) enough on their plate without looking after unnecessary visitors.即使不接待那些不必要的来访者,援助难民事务所也已有足够多的事要干。剑桥国际The council is indulging in fripperies by building a swimming pool rather than using the money to help the city's poor.市政会在热衷于那些不必要的东西,去建一个游泳池,而不是把钱用于帮助本市的贫苦人。剑桥国际The drastic measures that the government has taken recently to control the economy have been regarded by some people as overkill.政府最近采取的控制经济的严厉措施被某些人认为是不必要的过分行为。剑桥国际The idea is to kill the animal as quickly as possible without causing unnecessary suffering.这个主意是尽快杀死动物, 不会引起不必要的痛苦。剑桥国际The misdirection of financial resources has resulted in a great deal of unnecessary expense.财政资源的不恰当使用造成大量不必要的开支。剑桥国际The prisoners were subjected to unnecessary pain and suffering.囚犯承受了不必要的痛苦。剑桥国际Their action has been needlessly destructive rather than regenerative.他们的行为造成了不必要的破坏而非恢复。剑桥国际They are looking at ways of stripping away unnecessary regulation in the pensions industry.他们正在想办法废除养老金行业不必要的规章制度。牛津商务Unnecessary paperwork should be avoided (=prevented) at all costs.无论如何都要避免不必要的书面工作。剑桥国际We feel that the directors are adopting an unnecessarily antagonistic approach towards (=are actively opposing) these negotiations.我们觉得董事们在这些谈判项目上采取了一种不必要的对抗性态度。剑桥国际We need to remove unnecessary barriers between management and the workforce.我们必须消除管理层和员工之间不必要的隔阂。牛津商务

