
单词 下定义
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕It's very difficult to give a definition of a term like ‘cyberspace’. 很难给“网络空间”等术语下定义朗文写作活用〔class〕Defining the concept of class is not an easy task.很难给阶级这一概念下定义朗文当代〔define〕A thesaurus simply lists words, whereas a dictionary defines them.同义词词典只把词罗列出来,而词典却要替词下定义牛津同义词〔define〕Can you define the word “define”?你能给define一词下定义吗?21世纪英汉〔define〕Defining the word ‘love' can be very difficult.很难给“爱”这个词下定义麦克米伦高阶〔define〕I'll now try to define the term 'popular culture'.我现在来试试给“通俗文化”这个词下定义朗文当代〔define〕The term ‘mental illness’ is difficult to define.“精神病”这个词很难下定义牛津高阶〔define〕This word is hard to define.此词难下定义21世纪英汉〔define〕To make or write a definition.下定义美国传统〔define〕To state the precise meaning of (a word or sense of a word, for example).给…下定义:给(例如,单词或词义)下精确的定义美国传统〔definiens〕The word or words serving to define another word or expression, as in a dictionary entry.字典词条:下定义或释义用的词语,如字典的词条美国传统〔proceed〕Before proceeding further, we must define our terms.我们必须先给术语下定义,然后再继续。朗文当代〔reciprocate〕Every definition must reciprocate with the thing defined.每条定义必须切合所对之下定义的事物。英汉大词典

