
单词 性欲
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-sexed〕My husband has always been a bit oversexed.我丈夫总是有点儿性欲过盛。柯林斯高阶〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕It's difficult telling your partner what actually turns you on. 你很难向自己的伴侣讲清楚,怎么样才能激起你的性欲朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕My last boyfriend always found nurses’ uniforms a real turn-on. 我上一个男友总是觉得护士服很容易让人产生性欲朗文写作活用〔SEX〕She didn't have a lot of experience, but she knew when a man was aroused and when he wasn't. 她没有多少经验,可她知道男人什么时候性欲来了,什么时候没有性欲朗文写作活用〔SEX〕These drugs may affect your sex drive. 这些毒品可能会影响性欲朗文写作活用〔SEX〕You are more likely to have a useful conversation about safer sex if you don't leave it until you are sexually aroused. 在安全性交问题上的沟通,只要不是等到激起了性欲才去谈,就更有可能起到作用。朗文写作活用〔agape〕Love that is spiritual, not sexual, in its nature.兄弟情谊;教徒间情谊:从本质上说为精神之爱而非性欲之爱美国传统〔ambisexual〕Sexually attracted to either sex indiscriminately.双性的:受两性性吸引的,对两性都有性欲美国传统〔anaphrodisia〕Decline or absence of sexual desire.性欲减弱,性欲缺失美国传统〔anorexia〕Symptoms include fever, nausea, anorexia and low libido.症状包括发烧、恶心、食欲缺乏及性欲低下。外研社新世纪〔aphrodisiac〕Are oysters really an aphrodisiac? 牡蛎真的能够激发性欲吗?剑桥高阶〔aphrodisiac〕Arousing or intensifying sexual desire.催情的,激发性欲美国传统〔appetite〕He is portrayed as having an immense sexual appetite.他被描述成一个有着极强性欲的人。麦克米伦高阶〔aroused〕Some men are aroused when their partner says erotic words to them.有些男人在性伴侣对他们说撩人情话时会被激起性欲柯林斯高阶〔aroused〕Some men feel that they get most sexually aroused in the morning.一些男人感觉自己在早上性欲最强。外研社新世纪〔aroused〕Some men feel that they get most sexually aroused in the morning.一些男人感觉自己在早上性欲最强。柯林斯高阶〔arouse〕Some men are aroused when their partner uses erotic words.有些男人在性伴侣对他们说撩人情话时会被激起性欲外研社新世纪〔arouse〕The husky sound of her voice could always arouse him.她沙哑的嗓音总能激起他的性欲韦氏高阶〔arousing〕Being stroked by a partner is usually more arousing than stroking yourself.被性伴侣抚摸通常比自己抚摸更能激起性欲外研社新世纪〔asexually〕It is another unfortunate myth of our culture that older people are asexual.我们的文化里还有一种错误观念,就是认为上了年纪的人就不再有性欲了。柯林斯高阶〔asexual〕Lacking interest in or desire for sex.无性欲的:缺乏性兴趣或欲望的美国传统〔autoerotism〕Self-satisfaction of sexual desire, as by masturbation.自体性行为,自慰:性欲的自我满足,如手淫美国传统〔concupiscence〕A strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust.性欲:强烈的要求,尤指性需求;好色美国传统〔concupiscible〕Driven by or filled with strong sexual desire; concupiscent.强烈性欲的:被强烈性欲所驱使或占据的;好色的美国传统〔constitutional〕He believed there was a constitutional difference in people's sex drives.他认为人们的性欲存在固有的差异。外研社新世纪〔consummate〕To fulfill (a sexual desire or attraction) especially by intercourse.使(性欲或性吸引)得到满足,尤指通过性交美国传统〔degeneracy〕Corrupt, vulgar, vicious behavior, especially sexual perversion.性倒错:伤风败俗的、粗鄙的、下流的行为,尤指性欲颠倒、性变态美国传统〔desirable〕Arousing desire, especially sexual desire.引起性欲的:引起欲望的(尤其是性欲美国传统〔desire〕Sexual appetite; passion.性欲;情欲美国传统〔drive〕Later on in life the sex drive tends to diminish.人到晚年性欲往往会逐步减退。剑桥高阶〔drive〕The treatment will not affect your sex drive .该疗法不会影响你的性欲朗文当代〔erotically〕He may get a woman erotically obsessed with him but he will never get her love.他可能会让一个女人对他充满了性欲,但是他永远得不到她的爱。柯林斯高阶〔erotica〕Literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire.色情作品:目的在于引起性欲的文学或艺术作品美国传统〔eroticism〕Abnormally persistent sexual excitement.情欲过盛,性欲异常:不正常的持续性冲动美国传统〔eroticize〕To make erotic.使充满性欲美国传统〔erotic〕Dominated by sexual love or desire.受性爱或性欲影响的美国传统〔erotic〕Of or concerning sexual love and desire; amatory.性爱的:有关性爱与性欲的;色情的美国传统〔erotic〕Tending to arouse sexual desire.引起人性欲美国传统〔erotomania〕Excessive sexual desire.色情狂:过度的性欲美国传统〔excite〕Don't try exciting your partner with dirty magazines.不要尝试用黄色杂志激起伴侣的性欲柯林斯高阶〔excite〕She makes you feel warm and comfortable, and maybe a little excited.她让人感觉温暖舒适,还可能有一点性欲高涨。柯林斯高阶〔fetish〕Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.恋物情结:一个物体或身体上能引起性欲并可能成为性满足必需物的非性部分美国传统〔fixate〕To cause (the libido) to be arrested at an early stage of psychosexual development.使(性欲)在意淫发展早期被阻止美国传统〔flesh〕Sensual appetites.性欲美国传统〔homoerotic〕Tending to arouse such sexual desire.能引起此种性欲美国传统〔hot pants〕Vulgar Slang Strong sexual desire.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 强烈的性欲美国传统〔hot-blooded〕He's just your average 25-year-old hot-blooded male.他正是你要的那种25岁上下且性欲旺盛的男子。剑桥高阶〔hot〕Sexually avid; lascivious.性欲旺盛的;淫欲的美国传统〔hypersexual〕Excessively interested or involved in sexual activity.性欲过度的:对性行为过度兴趣的或过度参与的美国传统〔lascivious〕Exciting sexual desires; salacious.挑逗情欲的:能激起性欲要求的;黄色的美国传统〔lecher〕A man given to lechery.好色之徒:沉溺于性欲的人美国传统〔libido〕A flagging libido and a drop in sexual performance are all part of the ageing process.性欲减退和性功能下降都是衰老的表现。外研社新世纪〔libido〕Lack of libido may be a sign of depression.缺乏性欲也许是一种抑郁的表现。韦氏高阶〔libido〕Lack of sleep is a major factor in loss of libido.睡眠不足是导致性欲丧失的一个主要因素。外研社新世纪〔libido〕Lack of sleep is a major factor in loss of libido.睡眠不足是导致性欲丧失的一个主要因素。柯林斯高阶〔libido〕Symptoms include weight gain, sleep disorders and loss of libido.症状包括体重增加、睡眠失调以及性欲消失。剑桥高阶〔libido〕They have healthy libidos.他们拥有健康的性欲韦氏高阶〔luscious〕Having strong sensual or sexual appeal; seductive.肉感的或引起性欲的;诱人的美国传统〔lust〕Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.性欲:强烈的或无法控制的性饥渴美国传统〔maniac〕The woman's a sex maniac if you ask me.在我看来,那个女人是个性欲狂。朗文当代〔mix〕His art features a volatile mix of sexuality and violence.他的艺术以性欲与暴力变幻莫测的组合为主题。牛津搭配〔nymphomania〕Excessive sexual desire in a female.女性色情狂:女性过多的性欲美国传统〔passionate〕Marked by strong sexual desire; amorous or lustful.性欲强烈的:有强烈的性欲之特征的;色情的或色欲的美国传统〔perversion〕A sexual practice or act considered abnormal or deviant.性欲倒错,性变态:被认为反常或违背社会道德标准的性体验或性行为美国传统〔pervert〕One who practices sexual perversion.性欲倒错者,性变态者:性体验倒错的人美国传统〔potency〕Alcohol abuse in men can cause loss of sex drive and reduced potency.男子酗酒可能导致性欲丧失和性功能下降。外研社新世纪〔potency〕Alcohol abuse in men can cause loss of sex drive and reduced potency.男子酗酒可能导致性欲丧失和性功能下降。柯林斯高阶〔priapism〕Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal.阴茎异常勃起:阴茎长期并且通常很痛苦的勃起,尤指和性欲无关的,是病的结果美国传统〔randy〕Of or characterized by frank, uninhibited sexuality.性欲强烈的:性欲坦露,不掩饰的;以性欲外露为特点的美国传统〔raunchy〕Exhibiting lust.性欲强的:表现出很大欲望的美国传统〔raunchy〕Sexually explicit.淫荡的:性欲外露的美国传统〔repressed〕Some have charged that the Puritans were sexually repressed and inhibited.一些人谴责说清教徒的性欲受到压抑,并且个性拘谨。柯林斯高阶〔satyriasis〕Excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire in a man.色情狂:男性过度的,常常无法控制的性欲美国传统〔sensual〕Suggesting sexuality; voluptuous.好色的:暗示性欲的;耽于酒色的美国传统〔sex appeal〕Physical attractiveness or personal qualities that arouse others sexually.性感:引起他人性欲的身体魅力或个人性格美国传统〔sexed〕She was a highly sexed woman.她是个性欲旺盛的女人。外研社新世纪〔sexuality〕Concern with or interest in sexual activity.性欲:与性行为有关或有兴趣美国传统〔sexuality〕In Britain, the growing discussion of women's sexuality raised its own disquiet.在英国,对女性性欲的讨论日趋高涨,使得这一讨论本身就开始引起了不安。柯林斯高阶〔sexuality〕She is comfortable with her sexuality.她对自己的性欲很满意。韦氏高阶〔sexuality〕Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.维多利亚时代几乎不允许女性表达自己的性欲望。牛津搭配〔sexually〕Men's sexual fantasies often have little to do with their sexual desire.男性的性幻想通常和他们的性欲没什么关系。柯林斯高阶〔sexual〕Implying or symbolizing erotic desires or activity.性欲的:暗示或表明性欲或性行为的美国传统〔sexual〕Of, relating to, involving, or characteristic of sex, sexuality, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions.性的:(有关、包含)性、性欲、两性或性器官、性功能的或其有这样特征的美国传统〔sexy〕The music and wine began to make him feel sexy.那音乐和酒逐渐使他性欲萌动。牛津高阶〔sex〕The sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior.性欲:在行为中显示自己性的强烈要求或本能美国传统〔stud〕Slang A man regarded as virile and sexually active.【俚语】 性欲旺盛的男子美国传统〔turn on〕The body that turns men on doesn't have to be perfect.并不是非得完美无瑕的身体才能激发男人的性欲柯林斯高阶〔turned-on〕Sexually aroused.性欲被激发的美国传统〔wanton〕It's the old idea that only wanton women have sexual passions.认为只有荡妇才有性欲的观念已经过时了。外研社新世纪〔wet dream〕An erotic dream accompanied by ejaculation of semen.梦遗:一场充满性欲的梦,伴有射精美国传统Freud thought that many psychological problems were caused by repressed sexuality.弗洛伊德认为许多心理问题都是由于被压抑的性欲引起的。剑桥国际He had a notorious sexual appetite.他的性欲是臭名昭著的。剑桥国际Hunger and sex are elemental drives of human beings. 食欲和性欲是人类的原始冲动。译典通In the film“The Witches of Eastwick” Jack Nicholson plays a rich, oversexed man who is really the devil.在影片《东威克的巫婆们》中,杰克·尼克尔森扮演一个富有的、性欲过强的男人,他实际上是魔鬼。剑桥国际Later on in life the sex drive tends to diminish.人到晚年性欲会渐渐减弱。剑桥国际Mike is a hot-blooded (= having strong sexual feelings) male.迈克是个性欲旺盛的男子。剑桥国际She was uncomfortably aware of her son's developing sexuality.她非常不安地得知儿子的性欲正日渐增强。剑桥国际That quiet student becomes quite randy on weekends. 那位安静的学生在周末就变得性欲冲动。译典通The pills claimed to be able to increase one's libido.该药丸据说能增加人的性欲剑桥国际These people seem unable to control their sexual urges.这些人好像无法控制他们的性欲剑桥国际

