
单词 溢于言表
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕She tried to look grateful, but her disappointment was obvious. 她想表示出感激的样子,但是失望之情却溢于言表朗文写作活用〔affectionately〕They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate.他们看起来非常恩爱,柔情蜜意溢于言表柯林斯高阶〔affectionate〕They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate.他们看起来非常恩爱, 柔情蜜意溢于言表外研社新世纪〔backslap〕To demonstrate effusive goodwill toward (another or others).对…表示友好:对(另外一个人或其它人)表示热烈的溢于言表的良好祝愿美国传统〔bubble over〕She was bubbling over with excitement/enthusiasm.她兴奋/热切之情溢于言表剑桥高阶〔effusive〕He was effusive in his gratitude.他感激之情溢于言表文馨英汉〔relief〕The envoy left for home with evident relief.使者动身回国时宽慰的心情溢于言表英汉大词典〔sincerity〕He spoke these words with apparent sincerity.他说这些话时,真挚之情溢于言表牛津搭配〔touch〕What touched him the most was her obvious gratitude.最触动他的, 是她溢于言表的感激之情。外研社新世纪

