
单词 娱乐场所
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔box seat〕A seat in a box at a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium.包厢席位,正面看台座位:公共娱乐场所,如剧院或体育场的包厢座位美国传统〔box〕A separated compartment in a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium, for the accommodation of a small group.包厢:公共娱乐场所容纳一小组人的分隔间,譬如在戏院或体育场里的包间美国传统〔destination〕The casino is the largest entertainment destination in the state.这个赌场是本州最大的娱乐场所牛津搭配〔gaff〕A public place of entertainment, especially a cheap or disreputable music hall or theater.低级娱乐场所:一种尤指廉价或低级音乐厅或戏院等的公共娱乐场所美国传统〔honky-tonk〕These honky-tonks ran wide open twenty-four hours a day.这些低级娱乐场所一天24小时营业。英汉大词典〔hot spot〕Informal A lively and popular place, such as a nightclub.【非正式用语】 娱乐场所:活跃的,受欢迎的地方,例如夜总会美国传统〔hot spot〕No doubt the bar and restaurant will be a hot spot when it opens in late March.毫无疑问, 那家酒吧餐馆在三月下旬开张以后将成为热门娱乐场所外研社新世纪〔jump〕This joint (= place of entertainment) is really jumping tonight.这个娱乐场所今晚可真热闹。剑桥高阶〔playground〕The island was a playground of the rich and famous until the 1950s.这个岛在20世纪50年代之前一直是富人名流的娱乐场所韦氏高阶〔playground〕The resort is a playground of the rich and famous.这个度假胜地是富翁名流的娱乐场所牛津高阶〔sophisticated〕The capital offers the island's best choice of sophisticated hotels, restaurants, shopping and entertainment.首府拥有该岛最高档的宾馆、餐厅以及购物和娱乐场所外研社新世纪He complained that there were not enough distractions in the town. 他抱怨城里娱乐场所不够多。译典通This law applies to all places of public entertainment. 这一法律适用于一切公共娱乐场所译典通

