
单词 尊贵
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Apollonian〕Often apollonian Serenely high-minded; noble. 常作 apollonian 娴和高贵的;尊贵美国传统〔HSH.〕Her Serene Highness.尊贵的殿下:对女性统治者的尊称美国传统〔HSH.〕His Serene Highness.尊贵的殿下:对男性统治者的尊称美国传统〔anacolutha〕Romeo and Juliet,I, iii “A man,young lady!lady,such a man as all the world ——why,he's a man of wax”!《罗密欧与朱丽叶》第一幕第三场“尊贵的小姐!这是一个男人,他是一个像世上所有男人一样的男子汉 ——唷,他原来是一个蜡男人!”21世纪英汉〔august〕Venerable for reasons of age or high rank.尊贵的:因年龄或地位高等原因而受人尊敬的美国传统〔bear〕There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself.他的举止优雅尊贵外研社新世纪〔behave〕She behaved with great dignity.她显得很尊贵牛津高阶〔best〕You're our best customers.你们是我们最尊贵的客户。韦氏高阶〔cachet〕A Mercedes carries a certain cachet.梅塞德斯车代表一种尊贵柯林斯高阶〔dais〕A raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or honored guests.高座,上座:高出的讲台,如在演讲厅,为演讲者和尊贵的客人准备的美国传统〔dignity〕His aristocratic voice gives him an air of dignity and power.他那贵族似的嗓音赋予他一种尊贵显赫、身居高位的气质。牛津搭配〔dignity〕The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect.尊贵:值得尊重或尊敬的品德或地位美国传统〔grace〕The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum.新国王在履行职责时看起来举止尊贵得体。外研社新世纪〔grandeur〕He is wholly concerned with his own grandeur.他只关心自己的尊贵地位。外研社新世纪〔have to〕Have to our honoured guests!为我们尊贵的客人干杯!21世纪英汉〔ladyship〕Do you think her ladyship will be joining us? 你说那位尊贵的夫人会加入我们吗?朗文当代〔ladyship〕Perhaps her ladyship would like to hang up her own clothes tod ay! 尊贵的夫人今天也许愿意自己动手把衣服挂起来吧!牛津高阶〔lordly〕In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.高傲地,贵族般地:以符合贵族或作为贵族的尊贵的、高贵的方式或具有其特点美国传统〔misnomer〕It was the scruffiest place I've ever stayed in, so "Grand Hotel" was a complete misnomer.那是我住过的最不整洁的地方,叫它“尊贵酒店”有点取名不当。剑桥高阶〔regal〕She dismissed him with a regal gesture.她以尊贵的动作示意让他离开。牛津高阶〔respectability〕The company operates out of modern offices to create an air of respectability.这家公司的经营场所设在现代化办公室中,以营造一种尊贵不凡的氛围。剑桥高阶〔sayyid〕Used as a title and form of address for a male dignitary.赛义德:用于对男性尊贵的称呼美国传统〔serene〕His Serene Highness 尊贵的殿下(用于间接提及)英汉大词典〔serenity〕Your (或His) Serenity 尊贵的殿下(直接称呼时用 Your, 间接提及时用 His)英汉大词典〔valued〕We wish to thank our valued customers.我们想感谢一下我们尊贵的顾客。韦氏高阶〔waive〕The bank manager waived the charge (= said we didn't have to pay), as we were old and valued customers.那位银行经理没有收取我们的费用,因为我们是尊贵的老顾客。剑桥高阶〔welcome〕Please welcome (= please clap for) our guest of honour, George Taylor.请鼓掌欢迎我们尊贵的客人乔治‧泰勒。剑桥高阶Our new bishop is the Right Reverend James Taylor.我们的新主教是尊贵的詹姆斯·泰勒主教。剑桥国际The bank manager waived the charge (= said we didn't have to pay), as we were old and valued customers.那位银行经理免除了收费,因为我们是尊贵的老顾客。剑桥国际The committee will be chaired by the Right Honourable Sarah Bast, MP.委员会将由尊贵的萨拉·巴斯特议员阁下主持。剑桥国际

