
单词 小雪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beetroot〕He lights a cigarillo, his face beetroot and a picture of self-loathing.他点燃一支小雪茄, 脸红红的, 一副自怨自艾的样子。外研社新世纪〔bitterness〕Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪柯林斯高阶〔bobsled〕Either of these two smaller sleds.连橇中的一个:这两种小雪橇中的任一个美国传统〔call for〕The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight.天气预报预示今夜有小雪21世纪英汉〔cigarillo〕A small, narrow cigar.小雪茄烟:一种小的狭长雪茄美国传统〔fitfully〕The sun shone fitfully and then light snow blew into our faces.太阳时隐时现, 之后片片小雪飘落到我们脸上。外研社新世纪〔fitful〕The sun shone fitfully and then light snow blew into our faces.太阳时隐时现,之后片片小雪飘落到我们脸上。柯林斯高阶〔flurry〕We had a few flurries yesterday.昨天我们这里下了几场小雪韦氏高阶〔heavy/light snow〕A light/heavy snow was falling.当时天正下着小雪/大雪。韦氏高阶〔hill〕The plows came and cleared the streets, forming a hill of snow on the street corner.扫雪机过来清理街道,在街角堆起一个小雪堆。韦氏高阶〔lightly〕It began to snow lightly.开始下小雪了。牛津高阶〔luge〕A racing sled for one or two people that is ridden with the rider or riders lying supine.仰卧小雪橇:供一个人或两个人的竞赛雪橇,滑时滑行者需仰卧美国传统〔miniski〕A short ski used by beginners or skibobbers.短雪板,小雪板:初学滑雪者或乘雪撬者使用的短雪板或小雪美国传统〔onion snow〕A light snow in late spring, after onions have been planted.洋葱雪:在洋葱栽植后才下的晚春小雪美国传统〔sled〕A light wooden frame on runners, used by children for coasting over snow or ice.(小孩乘的)小雪橇:装有滑行装置的木质轻便架子,孩子们用它在冰上或雪上滑行美国传统〔snowfall〕We had a light snowfall last night.昨晚我们这儿下了场小雪牛津搭配〔snow〕The day was cold with flurries of snow (=when a small amount of snow falls) .天很冷,时而飘着小雪朗文当代〔spit〕A little spit of snow was falling.下了一阵小雪外研社新世纪〔spit〕She rushed out of the room with her pajamas, when snow was spitting.她穿着睡衣冲出了房子,那时正下着小雪21世纪英汉〔spit〕To rain or snow in light, scattered drops or flakes.下细雨,下小雪:少量、稀疏的雨滴或雪片美国传统

