
单词 广阔
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adamawa Massif〕An extensive plateau of west-central Africa in north-central Cameroon and eastern Nigeria.阿达马瓦高原:非洲中西部的广阔高原,位于喀麦隆中北部及尼日利亚东部美国传统〔East Asia〕A region of Asia coextensive with the Far East.东亚:与远东地区相连的广阔的亚洲地区美国传统〔Nejd〕A vast plateau region of the central Arabian Peninsula. Formerly a separate kingdom, it was the nucleus for the modern state of Saudi Arabia.内志:阿拉伯半岛中部的广阔的高原地区。以前是个独立的王国,是现代沙特阿拉伯政权的中心美国传统〔Serengeti Plain〕An area of northern Tanzania bordering on Kenya and Lake Victoria. It is noted for its extensive wildlife preserve.塞伦盖蒂平原:坦桑尼亚北部与肯尼亚和维多利亚湖接界的地区,它以广阔的野生动物保护区而闻名美国传统〔amplitude〕Greatness of size; magnitude.广大,广阔:尺寸宽大;数量大美国传统〔area〕Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.飞机失事残骸散落在一个广阔地域。牛津高阶〔be a monument to sth〕The annual arts festival is a monument to her vision and hard work.一年一度的艺术节展示了她的广阔视野和勤奋创作的成果。剑桥高阶〔boggle at〕The mind boggles at the infinite universe.有才智的人面对广阔无边的宇宙也是一筹莫展。21世纪英汉〔broadly-based〕It was a broadly-based movement.那是一项基础广阔的运动。文馨英汉〔broad〕His job gave him an acquaintance with an unusually broad spectrum of society.他的工作让他接触了异常广阔的社会层面。牛津搭配〔comprehend〕The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend.太空的广阔无垠是人类无法理解的。牛津高阶〔context〕You have to see the problem in a wider context.你必须从更广阔的背景来看这个问题。牛津搭配〔cosmopolitan〕The influx of exotic people is providing a cosmopolitan outlook to American life.异邦人的涌入正在给美国生活带来一种超越民族和地域的广阔眼界。英汉大词典〔dense〕Where Bucharest now stands, there once was a large, dense forest.布加勒斯特现在所在的地方当年是一片广阔茂密的森林。外研社新世纪〔disbursable〕Our policemen were disbursed over a wide area.我们的警察分布在一个广阔地区。21世纪英汉〔down〕We sailed down the Yellow River towards the open sea.我们沿着黄河向广阔的海洋顺流航行。麦克米伦高阶〔eurybathic〕Capable of living in a wide range of water depths. Used of an aquatic organism.(水生生物)广深性的:能生存于广阔的深水域中。通常是用于水生有机物美国传统〔expanse〕A wide and open extent, as of surface, land, or sky.广阔广阔的水面、陆地或天空美国传统〔expanse〕Expansion.广阔美国传统〔expansion〕An expanse.广阔美国传统〔extensive〕Large in extent, range, or amount.广大的,广阔的:广度的,大范围的,大量的美国传统〔extensive〕The castle is set in extensive grounds.这座城堡建造在一片广阔的土地上。外研社新世纪〔field〕A wide, unbroken expanse, as of ice.广阔的一大片:一处宽广辽阔绵延不断的区域,比如冰原美国传统〔flatten〕The mountainous region flattens out to a vast plateau.山区向外延伸变得平坦,成为一片广阔的高原。麦克米伦高阶〔fragmentation bomb〕An aerial antipersonnel bomb that scatters shrapnel over a wide area upon explosion.杀伤炸弹:一种有杀伤力的空投炸弹,爆炸时使榴霰弹散布于广阔地区美国传统〔fragmentation grenade〕A grenade that scatters shrapnel over a wide area upon explosion.杀伤手榴弹:一种手榴弹,爆炸时散播榴霰弹于广阔地区美国传统〔geography〕The survey covers a wide geographical area.此项调查覆盖的地理区域非常广阔牛津高阶〔grass〕An expanse of ground, such as a lawn, covered with grass or similar plants.草地:一块广阔土地,如草地,覆盖有草及类似的植物美国传统〔greatness〕The Puerto Rican was tipped for future greatness.波多黎各人被认为前景广阔牛津搭配〔integration〕The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.这个家庭由于融入更广阔的社会关系网而得到帮助。朗文当代〔leave〕They had left the city behind and were heading into open country.他们离开城市,奔向广阔的乡村。朗文当代〔lunette〕A broad, low-lying, typically crescent-shaped mound of sandy or loamy matter that is formed by the wind, especially along the windward side of a lake basin.眼镜堡:一片广阔的、地势低的、典型的新月形沙堆或土堆,由风力形成,尤其是沿湖泊的顺风方向美国传统〔market〕There is not a broad commercial market for these prints.此类版画没有广阔的商业市场。牛津搭配〔observatory〕A structure overlooking an extensive view.观察台,了望台,望楼:俯瞰广阔景象的建筑美国传统〔oceanic〕But the sky is oceanic, infinite in depth and variety.但天空广阔无垠, 深邃无边, 变化多样。外研社新世纪〔open〕A wide prospect opened below us.朝下看,一片广阔的景色尽收眼底。英汉大词典〔operate〕Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard.到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。柯林斯高阶〔outsize〕Unusually large, weighty, or extensive.特大的:超大型的,极重的,极广阔美国传统〔outward〕Managers need to become more outward-looking(= more open to new ideas).管理人员需要有更广阔的视野。牛津高阶〔overseas〕There is a vast overseas market for our goods.我们的商品有非常广阔的海外市场。外研社新世纪〔panhandle〕Often Panhandle A narrow strip of territory projecting from a larger, broader area, as in Alaska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia. 常作 Panhandle 柄状狭长地带:从比较广阔的地域突出去的狭窄的一个条带,如阿拉斯加州、爱达荷州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和西弗吉尼亚美国传统〔parkland〕The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands.那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。柯林斯高阶〔pathless〕He was lost for days in the vast pathless desert.他在无路的广阔沙漠中迷路几天了。剑桥高阶〔pay〕The British film industry could not pay its way without a substantial export market.没有广阔的出口市场,英国电影工业无以为继。柯林斯高阶〔perspective〕His experience abroad provides a wider perspective on the problem.他在国外的经历使他以更广阔的视角看待这个问题。牛津高阶〔plain〕A broad, level expanse, as a part of the sea floor or a lunar mare.广阔的区域:作为海底或月球阴暗部的平坦、水平或开阔的区域美国传统〔plain〕An extensive, level, usually treeless area of land.平原:一片广阔的、水平的且通常无树的土地美国传统〔plain〕The grassy plain gave way to an extensive swamp.青草覆盖的平原被广阔的沼泽地所取代。朗文当代〔portion〕He portioned to his tribes the wide domain.他把广阔的领土分给他的各个部落。英汉大词典〔prairie〕An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America.大草原:多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原美国传统〔range〕They range widely in search of carrion.它们在广阔的区域内搜寻腐肉。外研社新世纪〔range〕They range widely in search of carrion.它们在广阔的区域内搜寻腐肉。柯林斯高阶〔snowfield〕A large expanse of snow, especially at the head of a glacier.雪原:广阔的积雪区,尤其是指冰河上的积雪美国传统〔space〕I love the wide open spaces (= large areas of countryside) of central Australia.我喜欢澳大利亚中部广阔的原野。剑桥高阶〔spread〕An open area of land; an expanse.广阔的区域;幅员美国传统〔strew〕To spread (something) over a wide area; disseminate.铺盖:(某物)分散在一广阔的地区;散布美国传统〔structure〕The Children's Palace is a great sprawling structure.少年宫是一座占地广阔的巨大建筑物。英汉大词典〔subcontinent〕A large landmass, such as Greenland, that is smaller than a continent.幅员广阔,但小于洲的一块大陆,如格陵兰美国传统〔subcontinent〕A large landmass, such as India, that is part of a continent but is considered either geographically or politically as an independent entity.次州:一大陆被认为是在地理上或政治上独立的广阔公区,如印度美国传统〔superior〕Logic Of wider or more comprehensive application; generic. Used of a term or proposition.【逻辑学】 包括范围更广的:属于更广阔、更广泛的应用的;通用的。用于一个术语或命题美国传统〔swell〕Below them the grey expanse of sea heaved and swelled.在他们下面, 灰白色的广阔海面上下起伏, 波涛汹涌。外研社新世纪〔tell of〕The explorer's journals tell of a vast unexplored wilderness.探险家的日志描述了一片人迹罕至、广阔无垠的荒野。韦氏高阶〔tract〕A vast tract of land is ready for development.一大片广阔的土地可待开发。柯林斯高阶〔universal〕Knowledgeable about or constituting all or many subjects; comprehensively broad.博学多才的:关于或组成所有或许多学科知识的;包罗万象的广阔美国传统〔upland〕The whole plateau comprises one vast upland plain.整个高原是一片广阔无垠的高地平原。剑桥高阶〔valley〕An extensive area of land drained or irrigated by a river system.流域:由一个大河系排水或灌溉的广阔的土地区城美国传统〔vast〕An immense space.广阔的空间美国传统〔vast〕Very great in area or extent; immense.广阔的:在区域或宽度上很大的;广大的美国传统〔width〕The state, quality, or fact of being wide.宽阔,广阔:宽阔的状态、特点或事实美国传统〔zoom out〕The camera zoomed out to show a wider view of the scene.将照相机镜头推远,以便拍出更广阔的场景。韦氏高阶A wide stretch of land spreads in front of us. 一片广阔的土地在我们面前展开。译典通He is a successful enterpriser with a breadth of vision. 他是位眼光广阔,事业有成的企业家。译典通He was lost for days in the vast pathless desert.他在广阔的人迹罕至的沙漠里迷了几天路。剑桥国际I love the wide open spaces of central Australia! 我喜欢澳大利亚中部广阔的野地。剑桥国际Managers need to become more outward-looking.管理人员需要有更广阔的视野。牛津商务Our representatives cover a very large territory.我们的代表覆盖十分广阔的区域。牛津商务The airline industry is a big market for our new engines, spare parts and maintenance.航空业有新发动机、零部件和维修保养的广阔市场。牛津商务The company has an extensive international distribution network/system.公司有广阔的国际性发售网络/系统。剑桥国际The company has just unveiled two promising new digital technologies.这家公司刚刚推出了两项前景广阔的新型数字技术。牛津商务The family's extensive lands (= area of ground that they own) account for most of their wealth.这家人的广阔田地是他们财产的大部分。剑桥国际The resort is one of the most popular Swiss destinations for skiers who demand extensive and challenging ski terrain.该度假胜地是滑雪者最喜爱的瑞士滑雪地之一,渴望广阔而富有挑战性地形的滑雪者常去那里。剑桥国际The whole plateau comprises one vast upland plain.整个高原是一片广阔的高地平原。剑桥国际We looked out across a river valley to the broad snow-white ridge of Mount Ararat, its peak incandescent against the blue sky.我们远望,越过河谷看见了广阔的雪白的阿勒山山脊,它的顶峰在蓝天的映衬下闪闪发光。剑桥国际

