
单词 怀疑对象
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUSPECT〕I don't know for definite who stole the money, but I have my suspicions. 我不确定是谁偷的钱,但是我心中有怀疑对象朗文写作活用〔prime〕He was named as the prime suspect in the murder investigation.在那宗谋杀案的调查中他被定为主要怀疑对象朗文当代〔prime〕He's the police's prime suspect in this case.他是该案中警方的主要怀疑对象牛津高阶〔suspicion〕Boys were an immediate object of suspicion to her.男孩子们立刻成了她的怀疑对象牛津搭配〔suspicion〕I can't prove who stole it, but I have my suspicions.我不能证明谁偷了东西,但我有怀疑对象麦克米伦高阶Kelly is our prime suspect.凯利是我们的主要怀疑对象剑桥国际

