“purchase order”例句

单词 purchase order
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔indent〕Chiefly British An official requisition or purchase order for goods.【多用于英国】 购买委托书,订单:购货的官方通知单或订货单美国传统〔indent〕Chiefly British To order (goods) by purchase order or official requisition.【多用于英国】 定货:用官方订货单或购买单订(货)美国传统〔purchase〕The council applied for a compulsory purchase order on the tennis courts.政务会申请对网球场发出强制购买令。牛津搭配〔route〕When a customer buys, the purchase order is routed via the internet to each supplier's personal Web page.当一名顾客购买时,订单会通过互联网发到每一个供应商自己的网页上。剑桥高阶Customers fax us their purchase orders and we send them the goods and an invoice.顾客传真给我们订货单,我们给他们发货并随付发票。牛津商务The Council obtained a compulsory purchase order on the land (= legal permission to buy it).议会获得了土地的强制购买令。牛津商务

