
单词 产生作用
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔affected〕Acted upon, influenced, or changed.受到影响的:产生作用的,受影响的或变化了的美国传统〔agonist〕Biochemistry A substance that can combine with a nerve receptor to produce a reaction typical for that substance.【生物化学】 兴奋剂:能和神经末梢结合在一起对该物质产生作用的物质美国传统〔bottom line〕The integration of the various businesses is at last having an impact on GUS's bottom line.各项业务的整合终于开始对格斯公司的盈利情况产生作用外研社新世纪〔cause〕The one, such as a person, an event, or a condition, that is responsible for an action or a result.起因:对某种行为或结果的发生产生作用的人、事或条件美国传统〔expressivity〕Genetics The degree to which an expressed gene produces its effects in an organism.【遗传学】 基因的表现度:描述一个组织中的一个基因产生作用的程度美国传统〔magnetoresistance〕A change in electrical resistance of a conductor or semiconductor when a magnetic field is applied.磁致电阻:当磁场产生作用时导体或半导体的电阻变化美国传统〔somatomedin〕Any of a group of peptides produced by the liver upon stimulation by somatotropin that act directly on cartilage cells to stimulate skeletal growth.生长调节素:受生长激素剌激而由肝脏产生的一组缩氨酸中的任何一种,它直接对软骨产生作用,剌激其骨胳生长美国传统

