
单词 书面合同
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPEAK〕We had a verbal agreement but no written contract. 我们有口头的协定,但没有签书面合同朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Don't sign any written agreement until you have read every word of the contract. 书面合同要看懂每一个字后才能签署。朗文写作活用〔bond〕A written and sealed obligation, especially one requiring payment of a stipulated amount of money on or before a given day.正式合同:盖章的书面合同,尤指要求在确定日期或以前支付规定数量金额的合同美国传统〔contract〕Many workers do not have written contracts.许多工人没有书面合同牛津搭配〔many〕In many cases workers were being employed without a written contract.在许多情况下,工人受雇却没有签书面合同麦克米伦高阶〔specialty〕Law A special contract or agreement, especially a deed kept under seal.【法律】 盖印的特殊书面合同:一种特殊的合同或协议,尤指被确实封存起来的美国传统

