
单词 区划
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SMSA〕Standard metropolitan statistical area.美国行政区划单位标准大都统计区美国传统〔allow〕State and local governments can, if their laws allow, redraw state and municipal political districts.如果法律准许, 州政府和地方政府可以重新划分州和市的政治区划外研社新世纪〔canton〕A small territorial division of a country, especially one of the states of Switzerland.行政区:一个国家中小的行政区划,尤指瑞士的一个州美国传统〔canton〕A subdivision of an arrondissement in France.县:法国郡以下的一个行政区划美国传统〔compartmentation〕Elaborate compartmentation in submarines makes them difficult to sink.潜艇精密的水密分舱区划使之不易沉没。英汉大词典〔oblast〕An administrative territorial division within a constituent republic of the Soviet Union.州:苏联各加盟共和国的行政区划美国传统〔parish〕A political subdivision of a British county, usually corresponding in boundaries to an original ecclesiastical parish.行政堂区:英国乡镇的一个通常与教会的堂区划界相一致的政治划区美国传统〔permission〕Zoning permission was refused for the proposed superstore. 大型超市的区划许可申请被拒绝了。剑桥高阶〔plat〕A map showing actual or planned features, such as streets and building lots.地图:标示一块土地上实际的或计划的区划,如街道和建筑物区的地图美国传统〔rezone〕Our 8-year-old son was rezoned to the new school.我家8岁的儿子因区划改变而被纳入那所新学校读书。英汉大词典〔territory〕A political subdivision of a country.行政区域:一国的行政区划美国传统〔unitary〕Wales will be divided into 21 unitary authorities instead of eight counties and 37 districts.威尔士将被划分为21个单一自治体,以取代8郡、37个地区的行政区划剑桥高阶〔variance〕We had to get a (zoning) variance before we could build the extension on our house.我们扩建房屋前必须获得(城市区划)特殊许可。剑桥高阶〔vilayet〕An administrative division of Turkey.土耳其的省:土耳其的一个行政区划美国传统〔zone〕The town council voted to zone the area for industrial use.镇议会投票决定将此地区划为工业用地。韦氏高阶The administration has decided to attract businesses and jobs to inner cities by designating certain neighbourhoods enterprise zones.行政部门为吸引商业和工作投向内地城市,决定用将一些地区划为企业振兴区。剑桥国际The new zoning law grandfathered in existing buildings.现有建筑物免受新区划法限制。牛津商务

