
单词 一只鞋
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REMOVE〕She picked up one of the shoes and carefully wiped off the mud. 她拿起一只鞋,仔细地把泥土擦掉。朗文写作活用〔dog〕The dog chewed up one of my shoes.狗把我的一只鞋咬得粉碎。牛津搭配〔face〕My shoe was lying in the corner with its sole facing upward.我的一只鞋鞋底朝上躺在角落里。韦氏高阶〔make on〕These shoes were made on a last.这些鞋是用一只鞋楦做出来的21世纪英汉〔mate〕I had found one shoe; now I just needed to find its mate.我已经找到了一只鞋子, 现在我只要再找到另一只就行了。外研社新世纪〔other〕She was looking around for her other shoe.她在找她的另一只鞋麦克米伦高阶〔overshoe〕An article of footwear worn over a shoe as protection from water, snow, or cold.套鞋:如为防潮、防雪或防寒而套在另一只鞋外面的鞋美国传统〔pull〕She nearly lost a shoe pulling her foot out of the hole.她把脚从洞中拔出来的时候差点掉了一只鞋麦克米伦高阶〔sand〕I have sand in my shoe.我的一只鞋里有沙子。朗文当代〔single〕A single shoe was found.只找到了一只鞋韦氏高阶〔stick〕A shoe stuck in the mud.一只鞋子陷入烂泥之中。英汉大词典〔tag〕Sometimes, they've snapped off the security tag and just taken the one shoe.有时候,他们把防盗标签扯掉,顺走那一只鞋柯林斯高阶〔tap〕A metal plate attached to the toe or heel of a shoe, as for tap-dancing.钉在鞋底的铁皮:钉在一只鞋的脚后跟或脚掌处的一块金属片,如为跳踢踏舞而钉的这种金属片美国传统〔unglued〕I wear my old shoes every day. One sole has come unglued.我天天穿旧鞋, 有一只鞋底已经开胶了。外研社新世纪〔unglued〕I wear my old shoes every day. One sole has come unglued.我每天都穿那双旧鞋,有一只鞋底已经脱胶了。柯林斯高阶〔untie〕She untied the laces on one of her sneakers.她解开了一只鞋的鞋带。柯林斯高阶She caught a heel in a crack in the concrete.她的一只鞋跟嵌在混凝土的裂缝里。剑桥国际

