
单词 tights
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TEAR〕I got a ladder in my tights. 我的连裤袜上有个地方抽丝了。朗文写作活用〔arrayed〕Sabrina has discarded her habitual boilersuit and is arrayed in black mini and tights.萨布丽娜脱下平日穿的工作服,换上了黑色的超短裙和连裤袜。柯林斯高阶〔arrayed〕Sabrina is arrayed in a black mini and tights.萨布丽娜穿着黑色的超短裙和连裤袜。外研社新世纪〔bunch〕The tights were bunched together at the ankles.这条紧身裤在脚踝处收紧。韦氏高阶〔bunch〕The child's tights bunched at the ankles.这孩子的紧身裤在脚踝处收紧。韦氏高阶〔fashion〕I was thrilled when black opaque tights came back into fashion.当不透明黑色连裤袜重新流行起来时, 我心花怒放。外研社新世纪〔fishnet〕She wore fishnet tights and stiletto heels.她穿着网眼紧身衣和细高跟女鞋。外研社新世纪〔flesh〕The tights come in various flesh tones.连裤袜做成深浅不同的肉色。牛津搭配〔harlequin〕Harlequin A conventional buffoon of the commedia dell'arte, traditionally presented in a mask and parti-colored tights. Harlequin 哈利昆小丑:意大利喜剧中传统头戴面具身穿各种颜色衣服的丑角美国传统〔itchy〕These tights are all itchy.这件紧身衣让人浑身发痒。朗文当代〔ladder〕Damn! That's the second pair of tights I've laddered today! 真该死!我今天换上的第二双长筒袜也刮破了。剑桥高阶〔ladder〕Her tights laddered.她的紧腿裤抽丝了。外研社新世纪〔ladder〕Her hair was a mess and there was a ladder in her tights.她头发乱糟糟,裤袜脱了线。柯林斯高阶〔ladder〕She laddered her tights.她把紧腿裤挂了丝了。外研社新世纪〔ladder〕Yes, I know I've got a ladder in my tights.是的,我知道我的紧身裤袜抽丝了。朗文当代〔ladder〕You have a ladder in your tights.你的紧腿裤脱线了。外研社新世纪〔last〕That was my last pair of tights.那是我仅剩的一条连裤袜了。外研社新世纪〔leg warmer〕A knitted covering for the leg, resembling a stocking but without a foot, usually worn over tights or pants, as by dancers.(针织的)暖腿套:一种盖腿的针织覆盖物,类似于长筒靴但没有脚掌部分,通常穿在紧身裤或短裤的外面,如舞蹈演员穿的美国传统〔lifespan〕A pair of tights has the lifespan of a mayfly.紧身裤袜的使用期极短。英汉大词典〔maillot〕A pair of tights or a leotard of such fabric, worn for ballet or gymnastics.紧身衣:芭蕾舞演员或者体操运动员穿的紧身裤或者类似这种织物的紧身连衣裤美国传统〔prance around〕He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing around on a stage in tights.一想到儿子身穿紧身衣在舞台上神气活现地走来走去, 他就不寒而栗。外研社新世纪〔prance〕He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing about on a stage in tights.一想到儿子身穿紧身衣在舞台上神气活现地走来走去,他就感到震惊。柯林斯高阶〔run〕Bother! I've got a run in my new tights.讨厌!我的新紧身裤袜有一处抽丝了。英汉大词典〔run〕I've got a run in my tights from the nail on my chair.我的连裤袜被椅子上的钉子刮了一下,抽丝了。剑桥高阶〔run〕I've got a run in my tights.我的连裤袜抽丝了。外研社新世纪〔run〕Oh no, my tights have run! 哎呀,糟了,我的连裤袜抽丝了!剑桥高阶〔sheer〕She wore sheer black tights.她穿着极薄的黑色紧身裤。外研社新世纪〔stock〕Red tights are out of stock.红色紧身衣脱销了。牛津搭配〔tights〕I need a new pair of tights.我需要一条新的连裤袜。外研社新世纪〔tights〕Oh no, I've got a ladder/hole in my tights.啊,糟了,我的连裤袜上有一处抽丝/一个洞。剑桥高阶〔tights〕She bought a new pair of tights.她买了一双新的连裤袜。剑桥高阶〔unitard〕A one-piece tight-fitting leotard and tights combination, sometimes with foot straps.强力全身紧身衣:一件上下连身的紧置紧身衣和紧身衣裤的结合,有时有脚带美国传统Tights are often made of nylon.紧身裤袜常常是尼龙做的。剑桥国际Damn! That's the second pair of tights I've laddered today! 该死!这是我今天抽丝的第二条紧身裤了!剑桥国际I had to change my tights because they had a ladder in them.我得换条紧身裤了,因为这条抽丝了。剑桥国际I'd like a pair of flesh-coloured tights, please.我想买一条肉色的紧身裤。剑桥国际I've got a run in my tights from the nail on my chair.我的裤袜在椅子的钉子上挂了一下,抽丝了。剑桥国际Oh no, I've got a ladder/run/hole in my tights.啊,不好,我的裤袜上有个一处抽丝/一个洞。剑桥国际Oh no, my tights have run! 哎呀,不好!我的裤袜抽丝了。剑桥国际She bought a new pair of tights.她买了一条新的紧身裤。剑桥国际She was wearing sandals and flesh-coloured tights.她穿着凉鞋和肉色的紧身连裤袜。剑桥国际Those thin tights ladder easily.这种薄型的紧身裤很容易抽丝。剑桥国际Underpants, panties, bras and tights are all underwear.内裤、女短裤、胸罩和紧身衣都是内衣。剑桥国际

