
单词 救济品
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔almoner〕One who distributes alms.分发救济品美国传统〔alms〕Alms were distributed to those in need.救济品被分发给困难人群。柯林斯高阶〔alms〕Money or goods given as charity to the poor.救济品:作为慈善行为救济给穷人的钱或物美国传统〔alms〕She refused to go there to collect alms.她拒绝到那儿去领救济品文馨英汉〔beggar〕One who solicits alms for a living.乞丐:为了生活乞求救济品的人美国传统〔dole〕A share of money, food, or clothing that has been charitably given.救济品:一份食品或衣物等救济品或救济金美国传统〔dole〕Charitable dispensation of goods, especially money, food, or clothing.救济:尤指金钱、食物或衣物等救济品的发放美国传统〔parasite〕She's a real parasite, just living off state handouts.她是个真正的寄生虫, 仅靠政府发的救济品维持生活。外研社新世纪〔poor box〕A box, such as one to be found in a church, used for collecting alms.济贫募捐箱:例如教堂中所见的,用来盛放救济品的箱子美国传统〔relief〕The organization provides emergency famine relief.该组织提供饥荒紧急救济品牛津搭配〔relief〕We'll send relief to the victims immediately.我们将立即把救济品送给受害者。文馨英汉〔supply〕Rebel action threatened relief supplies.叛乱威胁到了救济品的供应。牛津搭配She crossed the enemy lines, disguised as a civilian, to bring medical succour to the Resistance fighters.她扮成一个平民穿过敌防线将医药救济品带给抵抗军。剑桥国际

