
单词 掉头
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-tailed〕I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house.我掉头就跑,朝主屋方向逃去。柯林斯高阶〔SICK/VOMIT〕Cancer drugs often have unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and loss of hair. 抗癌药物通常有不良的副作用,如恶心、掉头发。朗文写作活用〔U-turn〕Eventually, he turned off the main route and suddenly did a U-turn.最后,他驶离主道,来了一个急掉头柯林斯高阶〔U-turn〕It is illegal to do/make a U-turn on a motorway.在高速路上掉头是违章的。剑桥高阶〔U-turn〕It's illegal to make a U-turn at this intersection.在这个交叉路口掉头是违规的。韦氏高阶〔U-turn〕The driver made/did a quick U-turn and headed back north.司机迅速掉头,向北返回。韦氏高阶〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕The medical term for losing your hair is ‘alopecia’. 掉头发的医学术语是alopecia〔脱发〕。朗文写作活用〔about-face〕When the men saw the police parked nearby, they just about-turned and drove away.那些人看到警车停在附近, 就掉头开走了。外研社新世纪〔about-turn〕When the men saw the police parked nearby, they just about-turned and drove away.那些人看到警车停在附近, 就掉头开走了。外研社新世纪〔around〕She turned the car around and drove off.她把轿车掉头开走了。牛津高阶〔away〕Charley blushed and looked away, embarrassed.查利脸红了,难为情地掉头看向别处。朗文当代〔back〕You'll have to back the car up and turn around.你得倒车,掉头走。21世纪英汉〔bounce back〕After losing the first three games of the series, they bounced back to win their next eight games.在输掉头三局比赛后,他们重整旗鼓,一下子连扳八局。韦氏高阶〔bring ... about〕They brought the ship about and headed for safety.他们使船掉头,朝安全地带行驶。21世纪英汉〔cut〕The cameras cut to the front of the house.摄影机急速掉头,对准房屋的正面。英汉大词典〔dead end〕We came to a dead end and had to turn around.我们进了死胡同,只好掉头韦氏高阶〔diversion〕They turned back because of traffic diversions.因为交通要临时绕行,他们掉头了。柯林斯高阶〔diversion〕They turned back because of traffic diversions.由于交通实施绕行, 他们掉头返回了。外研社新世纪〔double back〕Double back, and Brunswick Road's on the left.此处掉头, 不伦瑞克路就在左边。外研社新世纪〔ear〕I probably failed because I made a complete pig's ear of my three-point turn.我或许没法通过了, 因为我在考三点掉头时彻底考砸了。外研社新世纪〔fall out〕Her hair started falling out.她开始掉头发。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.由于放疗,她开始掉头发。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕The drugs made her hair fall out.这种药使她掉头发。朗文当代〔hair〕He's losing his hair.他在掉头发。外研社新世纪〔head back〕We headed back to the station.我们掉头回车站。外研社新世纪〔homeward〕After three hours cycling we decided to turn homeward.骑车走了3小时之后,我们决定掉头回家。剑桥高阶〔land〕We turned away from land and headed out to sea.我们掉头离开陆地, 朝大海而去。外研社新世纪〔little〕He walked on a little (=a short distance) and then turned back.他往前走了一会儿,然后掉头往回走。朗文当代〔lose〕He's losing his hair.他在掉头发。剑桥高阶〔peel〕The car peeled off and headed back to the U.S.Embassy.汽车离开车队,掉头开往美国大使馆。英汉大词典〔press on〕I considered turning back, but it was getting late, so I pressed on.我考虑过掉头回去, 但是天色已晚, 因此我继续向前走。外研社新世纪〔put about〕The ship put about and sailed back out to sea.船改变了方向,掉头朝大海驶去。韦氏高阶〔put〕Our mast broke, so we had to put about (= turn round) and return to port.我们的桅杆坏了,因此只好掉头向港口返航。剑桥高阶〔put〕The ship put about and returned to port.那船掉头向港口返航。英汉大词典〔reverse out〕There was only one shop where I was unable to turn round and had to reverse out.只有一家商店我没法掉头, 只能倒出去。外研社新世纪〔room〕Is there enough room to turn the car around? 汽车掉头的空间够吗?韦氏高阶〔round〕When one engine stopped, we had to turn round (= turn to face the opposite direction) and fly home.飞机的一台发动机熄火了,我们不得不掉头飞回。剑桥高阶〔shampoo〕She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair.她冲掉头上的洗发水。牛津搭配〔soon〕The plane was returning to the airport soon after takeoff when it burst into flames.飞机起飞之后不久便起火,于是掉头返回机场。柯林斯高阶〔soon〕The plane was returning to the airport soon after takeoff when it burst into flames.飞机起飞后便突然起火, 于是掉头返回机场。外研社新世纪〔spinning〕He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.他猛打方向盘,在路中间掉头柯林斯高阶〔spin〕He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.他猛打方向盘, 在路中间掉头外研社新世纪〔stouthearted〕Even the most stouthearted of hikers would have had to turn back in this weather.即便是最有勇气的徒步旅行者,碰到这样的天气也会掉头返回的。剑桥高阶〔swing around〕The canoe swung around sharply.独木舟猛然掉头外研社新世纪〔swing〕Look,his car is swinging round.看,他的车正在掉头呢。21世纪英汉〔turn around〕Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton Pond.巴德把卡车掉头,开始返回多尔顿池。柯林斯高阶〔turn around〕There was enough room for a wheelchair to get in but not to turn round.空间足够让轮椅进来,但没法掉头柯林斯高阶〔turn〕They ordered the pilot to turn the plane around.他们命令飞行员掉头麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕They turned their way back.他们掉头向回走美国传统〔turn〕Too tired to go farther, we turned toward home.我们已筋疲力尽,再也走不动了,只有掉头回家美国传统〔whaleboat〕A long rowboat, pointed at both ends and designed to move and turn swiftly, formerly used in the pursuit and harpooning of whales.捕鲸小艇:一种两头尖的长型划艇,设计用来迅速移动及掉头,原先用于追捕及用鱼叉捕杀鲸鱼美国传统It took courage and a certain perversity (= a desire to do something unusual and unexpected) for her to shave her head.剃掉头发需要她的勇气和某种执拗。剑桥国际Our mast broke, so we had to put about (= turn round) and return to port.我们的桅杆坏了,所以我们只好掉头向港口返航。剑桥国际We'd gone 200 miles when one engine stopped and we had to turn round and fly home.我们飞行了200英里时,一个引擎熄火了,于是我们不得不掉头飞回家。剑桥国际

