
单词 硝酸纤维
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔celluloid〕A colorless, flammable material made from nitrocellulose and camphor and used to make photographic film.赛璐珞,明胶:一种由硝酸纤维和樟脑制成的无色、易燃材料,用以制作照相胶卷美国传统〔celluloid〕Made of or using a material made from nitrocellulose and camphor.明胶制成的:制造或使用硝酸纤维和樟脑做的物质的美国传统〔pyrocellulose〕A cellulose nitrate used as a component of smokeless powder.火纤维素:硝酸纤维素,用于无烟的炸药的组成物质美国传统〔pyroxylin〕A highly flammable nitrocellulose used in the manufacture of collodion, plastics, and lacquers.焦木素,木棉:一种极易燃的硝酸纤维素,用于制造股棉,塑料和漆美国传统

