
单词 银行帐户
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NOW account〕An interest-bearing savings account against which drafts may be written.可转让支付命令银行帐户:生利息的储蓄帐户方式,凭此可以开汇票美国传统〔bank account〕Funds deposited in a bank that are credited to and subject to withdrawal by the depositor.银行帐户:存入银行的资金,存款人可随意支取美国传统〔bounce〕To write (a check) on an overdrawn bank account.签发空头支票:在一个透支了的银行帐户上签发(支票)美国传统〔checking account〕A bank account in which checks may be written against amounts on deposit.活期存款帐户:可用支票从存款中支付款项的银行帐户美国传统〔check〕To write a check on a bank account.在银行帐户上开支票美国传统〔have〕She had little money left in her bank account.她的银行帐户里只剩一点钱。文馨英汉〔overdraft〕The act of overdrawing a bank account.透支:透支银行帐户的行为美国传统〔overdraw〕To draw against (a bank account) in excess of credit.透支(银行帐户美国传统〔shoot the works〕I emptied my bank account and shot the works on a trip to Mauritius.我取光了我的银行帐户上的钱,放手到毛里求斯旅游一趟。剑桥高阶〔straw man〕The fraud depended on hundreds of bank accounts being opened on behalf of straw men.这个骗子赖以活动的数百张银行帐户都是开在一个虚构的人的名下。剑桥高阶A cheque that is not negotiable cannot be exchanged for cash and must be paid into a bank account.不可兑付的支票不能兑换现金,只能以存入银行帐户的方式支付。剑桥国际Customers remain convinced that money has been wrongly taken out of their bank accounts.顾客们仍然确信钱款已被错误地从他们的银行帐户中提走了。剑桥国际He managed to get a rebate of $800 for overpaid tax which had been deducted from his bank account.他设法从他的银行帐户被扣除的多付的税款中获得了800元退款。剑桥国际He never actually repays any of the money--he just shuffles his debts between different bank accounts.他从不真正还钱----只是在不同的银行帐户上转移债务。剑桥国际He paid the cash in to his bank account. 他把现金存入银行帐户译典通I closed that bank account when I came to London.我到伦敦后把银行帐户结清了。剑桥国际If your bank account balance falls below the minimum, you'll be nicked for a $5 service charge.如果你银行帐户的余额低于最低数,你将被索取5美元服务费。剑桥国际It was such a hassle trying to get my bank account changed that I nearly gave up.要改换我的银行帐户真是麻烦,我几乎放弃了努力。剑桥国际My bank balance isn't too good at the moment--it's definitely in minus figures (= I owe money).目前我的银行帐户情况不妙,确切地说是个负数了。剑桥国际Savers were advised to invest their money in a high-interest bank account.储蓄者被建议向高息银行帐户投入他们的资金。剑桥国际She acted with decision, closing the bank account and phoning the police.她果断地采取行动,结清银行帐户,报了警。剑桥国际The school's bank account is currently in surplus.学校的银行帐户目前尚有盈余。剑桥国际There is an infinite variety/number (=a large range) of bank accounts and loan packages available.有无数种银行帐户及贷款组合可供选择。剑桥国际When I opened my bank account, I was asked to provide a specimen signature.当我在开银行帐户时,被要求给出签名字样。剑桥国际You must give the bank (a) written notification if you wish to close your account.如果你想要结清你的银行帐户,就必须交给银行(一份)书面通知。剑桥国际

